EVPY results on Thaumatin


The images on thaumatine were collected at I03 at the Diamond Light Source as part of ongoing method developments there.

creating soft links to images....
diamond> ln -s /work/schreurs/diamond/testDataEVAL15/*.img.Z .


diamond> proteinsetup
proteinsetup started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 19:17:03
Created evpy-config Created view.init Created dirax.init
Create preliminary setup files for proteins. expected axis (primitive cell) a [100.0] 50
expected axis (primitive cell) b [100.0] 50
expected axis (primitive cell) c [100.0] 150
minimum (primitive) volume[112500.0] =
maximum (primitive) volume[1125000.0] =
Dirax volume test = voltest 112500.0 1125000.0 Created peakref.init
proteinsetup ended at 25-Nov-2010 19:17:03 CPU time used 00:00:00


diamond> renameimages
renameimages started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 19:17:03
a search on *_*.img* revealed thaumatin_die_M1S5_1_0001.img.Z filetype=[img]
img images are created by adsc, marccd and oxford detectors.
The images in this case are named thaumatin_die_M1S5_1_0001.img.Z. Simple systematic names are easier to use. We have choosen for sxxfyyyy, where s stands for scan and f for frame. The first frame of the first scan will always be called s01f0001

Also, files of type img can originate from various detectortypes (adsc, marccd and oxford). The filetype will also be changed.
Enter detectortype (adsc/marccd/oxford) [adsc] adsc

new filetype=[img]
scanname=thaumatin_die_M1S5_ scannumber=1 framenumber=1
total 369 images (a,i2.2,'f',i4.4)
new scan name [s] s
Created renameimages.log
new scanname s01f
renameimages ended at 25-Nov-2010 19:17:06 CPU time used 00:00:00


diamond> scancheck
scancheckadsc started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 19:17:06
ImageFileType=img Available scan names:
s01f 369 images s01f0001.img.Z
Read all images, and do some consistency checks. The results will be stored in file scanchecks01f.log.
Enter scan name(s) [s01f] =
trying [s01f] s01f0001.img.Z Total 9437184 pixels stephor=10 stepver=10 Scanning 94249 pixels
369 images
   Time  dTim    Rot1    Rot2  Bg20  Bg10     FullTime           Name
  0.000 0.000   0.000   0.500 41.39 39.69 16:27:51.000 s01f0001.img.Z
  3.000 3.000   0.500   1.000 41.72 40.01 16:27:54.000 s01f0002.img.Z
  6.000 3.000   1.000   1.500 41.52 39.82 16:27:57.000 s01f0003.img.Z
  8.000 2.000   1.500   2.000 41.54 39.85 16:27:59.000 s01f0004.img.Z
 10.000 2.000   2.000   2.500 41.77 40.08 16:28:01.000 s01f0005.img.Z
 12.000 2.000   2.500   3.000 41.73 40.04 16:28:03.000 s01f0006.img.Z
823.000 2.000 183.000 183.500 41.59 39.89 16:41:34.000 s01f0367.img.Z
825.000 2.000 183.500 184.000 41.40 39.73 16:41:36.000 s01f0368.img.Z
828.000 3.000 184.000 184.500 41.47 39.77 16:41:39.000 s01f0369.img.Z
Created scanchecks01f.log Closed scanchecks01f.log
one scancheck performed
scancheck ended at 25-Nov-2010 19:20:38 CPU time used 00:02:41


diamond> scancheckplot savetype=png autosave
369 records from scanchecks01f.log
radio: variables= ['Bg10', 'Bg20', 'Nr', 'Rot1', 'Rot2', 'Time', 'dTim']
369 records from scanchecks01f.log
horvar=Nr vervar=Bg20



diamond> view
viewadscgd (version 1.4 2010101300) started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 19:20:41
Preliminary inspection of the first image
View> read s01f0001
one frame from s01f0001.img.Z.
Lambda changed from 0.71073 to 1.488
Initialized DISTOR adsc920 Created detalign.vic 16 overflow pixels. Range 0.0 65535.0 Actual 30.0 5000.0
      Dist  Swing   Omega   Chi     Phi   Axis  Start     End
old   0.00   0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   1
new 116.00   0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   3    0.00    0.50
The detector position (based on the offset numbers in the image header) is written to detalign.vic.

Display the image
View> plot

Setting ZoomWindow 382 382
picture picture
Two windows are created, One with the whole image and one with a zoomed section

The initial detector offsets are read from the image header. Sometimes these numbers are modified by the operator before data collection. But what these numbers express is not documented (horizontal/vertical or vertical/horizontal, from left to right or right to left, pointing up or down). And if the operator did not update the information, the header can contain outdated offsets. The interpretation of the offsets from the header is in this case wrong. The indexing is very sensitive for the position of the primary beam. I am going to correct this here and now:
View> detectoroffset

Current: 0.0 0.41 -0.11
distance[0.0] <Enter>
horizontal[0.41] -0.11
vertical[-0.11] 0.41

Note on the syntax. To accept a proposed value, you may type Enter. Commands and arguments may also be specified on one line. To accept a proposed value in that construct, you may use a = (equal sign) or . (dot). So the previous command could also be given by:
View> detectoroffset = -0.11 0.41
Save this new offset. Later invocations of view will automatically load this file.
View> save detalign

WARNING: renaming existing file detalign.vic into detalign.vic.~1~
Created detalign.vic

Set the beamstop parameters. These are manually determined by inspection of an image.
View> beamstopwidth 4
View> beamstopdiameter 0.1
View> beamstop 8.5 0.2
Save the beamstop definition. Later invocations of view will automatically load this file.
View> save beamstop

Created beamstop.vic
Closed beamstop.vic

What are the resolution limits?
View> resomin

min resolution=28.42 (theta=1.5)
Reso Min[28.42] <Enter>
min resolution=28.42 (theta=1.5)
accept to proposed default.
View> resohalf
Resolution half: Left 1.65 Right 1.65 Bottom 1.65 Top 1.65 max resolution=1.65 (theta=26.86)
So the edges of the detector correspond to 1.65 Å (Memorize this number for later).

Do an initial peaksearch
View> peak2

BadMaskFill 63181 pixels behind beamstop
picture picture

Set resolution limits to suitable values for indexing
View> resomin 40

min resolution=40.0 (theta=1.07)
View> resomax 3
max resolution=3.0 (theta=14.36)
Increase the number of expected peaks
View> peaknr 200
View> refresh
View> peak2
Tried=269 Duration=19 Theta=44 Respons=6
picture picture
The peak search in view will find peaks with decreasing intensity. We don't want to find all possible peaks (this could give problems with indexing). So 200 peaks per frame seems reasonable in this case. Memorize the values (resolution, peaknr) for the buildsearch program in the next step.

The dimension of the box around the peaks is set by peaksizemm. The current value seems a bit large, with respect to the distance between peaks. What is the current value?
View> peaksizemm
peak size mm[1.2] <Enter>
1.2 is a bit too large. Probably 0.8 is better.
View> exit

view ended at 25-Nov-2010 19:20:44 CPU time used 00:00:03


diamond> buildsearch
buildsearch started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 19:20:45
Found Z compressed .img images
Available scans:
scan s01f 369 images first image=s01f0001.img.Z
Total 369 images
prefix name [i] i
search types:
2: peak search in every frame. The total number of peaks is the number of
   expected peaks per frame times the number of frames.
3: peak search in first frame. peaksearch in second frame. Select the peaks in
   the previous frame, if they were stronger. Continue this process for n
   frames. The total number of peaks will be less than the number of expected
   peaks per frame times the number of frames.
4: repeat searchtype 3 over many images.
search type (2/3/4) [3] 3
fill in the number of peaks, as determined above.
Nr of peaks in one image [50] 200
Total number of expected peaks [1000] 1000
Minimum resolution (Angstrom)[40.0] 40
fill in the maximum resolution, as determined above.
Maximum resolution (Angstrom)[3.5] 3.0
An appropriate peaksize (see above) is 0.8.
Peak size in mm [2.1] 0.8
Display the first 3 images only
Display n consecutive images [1] 3
Ignore plot for n intermediate images [9] 1000
Created search3.vic Created isearch.vic
Enter name of first image s01f0001
s01f0001.img.Z (s01f0001.img.Z exists) 369 image files
nsearch 8 repcount 7
more [No] no
buildsearch ended at 25-Nov-2010 19:20:45 CPU time used 00:00:00


diamond> view
viewadscgd (version 1.4 2010101300) started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 19:20:45
Run the script created with buildsearch
View> @isearch
! Created by buildsearch at 25-Nov-2010 19:20:45
! Host bekken User schreurs WD /work/schreurs/diamond/diamond/
evpylog searching peaks type 3
! abort on warnings
abort on
! check contiguous images
checknext on
! set number of peaks in one image
peaknr 200
! peak quality
peakbg 3.0
peakbg2 3.0
! forbidden area
durationmax 5.0
! minimum intensity
peakmin 5
! no peaks to be found in next x degrees
peakremove 3.0
! stop after successive weaks
peakbreak 5
! peak size parameters
peaksizemm 0.8
! resolution limits
resomin 40.0
min resolution=40.0 (theta=0.51)
resomax 3.0
max resolution=3.0 (theta=6.8)
! apply new detalign if it exists
! display n consecutive images
imageon 3
! do not display n intermediate images
imageoff 1000
! try read dark image later
trydark on 1.0
one frame from s01f0001.img.Z.
Lambda changed from 0.71073 to 1.488 thmin changed to 1.07 thmax changed to 14.36
Initialized DISTOR adsc920 16 overflow pixels. Range 0.0 65535.0 Actual 30.0 5000.0
      Dist  Swing   Omega   Chi     Phi   Axis  Start     End
old   0.00   0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   1
new 116.00   0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   3    0.00    0.50
Setting ZoomWindow 382 382
Created i1.drx
Created i1.pk
BadMaskFill 63181 pixels behind beamstop
Tried=267 Duration=19 Theta=43 Respons=5
peaklist:200 peakfile:0 diraxfile:0
picture picture
one frame from s01f0002.img.Z. 60 overflow pixels. Range 0.0 65535.0 Actual 30.0 5000.0
200 peaks in list: OnFirstFrame=165 Improving=35
Tried=270 Duration=23 Theta=41 Respons=6
peaklist:200 peakfile:0 diraxfile:0
picture picture
one frame from s01f0003.img.Z. 44 overflow pixels. Range 0.0 65535.0 Actual 30.0 5000.0
200 peaks in list: Improving=35 Ok=165
Tried=264 Duration=18 Theta=41 Respons=5
peaklist:200 peakfile:165 diraxfile:165
picture picture
one frame from s01f0004.img.Z. 54 overflow pixels. Range 0.0 65535.0 Actual 30.0 5000.0
200 peaks in list: Improving=36 Ok=164
Tried=267 Duration=21 Theta=42 Respons=4
peaklist:200 peakfile:329 diraxfile:329
one frame from s01f0005.img.Z. 37 overflow pixels. Range 0.0 65535.0 Actual 30.0 5000.0
200 peaks in list: Improving=44 Ok=156
Tried=277 Duration=25 Theta=45 Respons=7
peaklist:200 peakfile:485 diraxfile:485
one frame from s01f0006.img.Z. 30 overflow pixels. Range 0.0 65535.0 Actual 30.0 5000.0
200 peaks in list: Improving=51 Ok=149
Tried=253 Duration=20 Theta=28 Respons=5
peaklist:200 peakfile:634 diraxfile:634
one frame from s01f0007.img.Z. 52 overflow pixels. Range 0.0 65535.0 Actual 30.0 5000.0
200 peaks in list: Improving=33 Ok=167
Tried=280 Duration=19 Theta=53 Respons=8
peaklist:200 peakfile:801 diraxfile:801
one frame from s01f0008.img.Z. 56 overflow pixels. Range 0.0 65535.0 Actual 30.0 5000.0
200 peaks in list: Improving=46 Ok=154
Tried=262 Duration=19 Theta=39 Respons=4
peaklist:200 peakfile:955 diraxfile:955
955 reflections written to i1.drx 955 reflections written to i1.pk
! reset display interval
graphicsmod 1
955 peaks found
View> exit
view ended at 25-Nov-2010 19:20:58 CPU time used 00:00:11


diamond> dirax
dirax (version 1.16 2010093000) started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 19:20:58
   Albert J.M. Duisenberg, Indexing in Single-Crystal Diffractometry with an Obstinate List of Reflections
   J. Appl. Cryst. (1992). 25,92-96.
                    C O N D I T I O N S    F O R    U S E
a. You may not copy DirAx neither the auxiliary files except for use by yourself or for use in your laboratory, institute,
   office and the like.
b. You may not hand over DirAx in any form to third parties without provable permission from the author.
c. You use DirAx at your own responsibility completely.
   Albert J.M. Duisenberg, Antoine M.M. Schreurs
   BIJVOET Centre for Biomolecular Research
   Laboratory for Crystal and Structural Chemistry
   Utrecht University since A.D. MDCXXXVI
   Padualaan 8, NL-3584 CH UTRECHT
   The Netherlands
   Electronic MAIL addresses: a.m.m.schreurs@uu.nl a.j.m.duisenberg@chem.uu.nl
For reproducible results, fix the random generator seed.
Dirax> seed 12345
set the tolerance (this is actually the default).
Dirax> levelfit 1000
Read the drx file created by view
Dirax> read i1
 Created by view (version 1.4 2010101300) at 25-Nov-2010 19:20:46
 Host bekken User schreurs WD /work/schreurs/diamond/diamond/
 delta 0.0 -0.11 0.41
 detzero 0.0 0.11 -0.41
955 c-vectors from file i1.drx.
955 reflections from the input file

first try
Dirax> go

145163820 triplets
30000 triplets used
Randomizing (Seed=12345) [i,j,k]...
30000 random triplets
29996 triplet vectors
Squishd: 29996 t vectors ==> 10930 t vectors
Sorting 10930 t vectors...
Reducing 10930 t vectors ==> 10841 t vectors
Acl  #H    a       b       c     alpha   beta  gamma   Volume
900 955  57.517  58.154 149.193  89.80  89.50  90.52   498983
371 575  57.507  58.153 145.366  95.96  94.91  90.50   481666
370 578  58.174  57.508 141.862  88.82  95.60  90.54   472216
369 612  58.183  57.512 152.195  88.15  97.71  89.49   504365
349 624  58.171  57.509 152.489  91.95  97.93  90.52   504916
310 522  58.192  57.510 128.374  91.83 100.36  90.54   422351
289 164  48.459  57.507  58.133  90.55 111.83 103.29   145545
252 213  52.848  57.515  58.165  89.46  98.41  96.91   173619
246 359  58.169  57.443  98.389  90.19 106.69  90.67   314889
240 216  57.515  58.192  71.650 109.43 108.53  90.53   212655
142 138  44.962  45.700  57.498  82.03  82.67  79.74   114491
128 166  43.443  57.534  58.110  89.49 104.03 102.72   137303
Solutions limited by voltest
selected ACL 900

column 2 (#H) gives the number of fitting reflections

Write the matrix to disk
Dirax> ccd i1

Sigma calculation stopped after 20000 cells
20000 cell calculations
 LSQ   57.5168  58.1540 149.1931  89.798  89.503  90.521 498983.313
 Mean  57.6512  58.2158 149.3139  89.832  89.620  90.413 497418.281
 Max  615.2530 286.2566 899.8871 123.381 169.464 176.951
 Min   50.2376  24.5279 138.0338  11.334  42.805  17.943
Sigma   0.0408   0.0209   0.0406   0.014   0.014   0.035    158.839
Created i1.rmat
Dirax> exit
dirax ended at 25-Nov-2010 19:21:02 CPU time used 00:00:04


diamond> buildsearch
buildsearch started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 19:21:02
Found Z compressed .img images
Available scans:
scan s01f 369 images first image=s01f0001.img.Z
Total 369 images
To refine the cell parameters, and possibly also some experimental parameters, the same 955 reflections from above could be used. But these are all found in frames 1 to 8. It is better to search for more reflections in the whole dataset. (The indexing program will only use 1000 reflections; so that's why the initial search was limited to only a few frames.)
prefix name [i] j
search types:
2: peak search in every frame. The total number of peaks is the number of
   expected peaks per frame times the number of frames.
3: peak search in first frame. peaksearch in second frame. Select the peaks in
   the previous frame, if they were stronger. Continue this process for n
   frames. The total number of peaks will be less than the number of expected
   peaks per frame times the number of frames.
4: repeat searchtype 3 over many images.
search type (2/3/4) [3] 4
Nr of peaks in one image [50] 200
nr of (consecutive) frames [10] 10
nr of frames to skip in between [20] 30
Minimum resolution (Angstrom)[40.0] 40.0
Maximum resolution (Angstrom)[3.5] 3.0
Peak size in mm [2.1] 0.8
Display n consecutive images [1] 0
Created jsearch.vic s01f
  From s01f0001.img.Z to s01f0010.img.Z
  From s01f0041.img.Z to s01f0050.img.Z
  From s01f0081.img.Z to s01f0090.img.Z
  From s01f0121.img.Z to s01f0130.img.Z
  From s01f0161.img.Z to s01f0170.img.Z
  From s01f0201.img.Z to s01f0210.img.Z
  From s01f0241.img.Z to s01f0250.img.Z
  From s01f0281.img.Z to s01f0290.img.Z
  From s01f0321.img.Z to s01f0330.img.Z
buildsearch ended at 25-Nov-2010 19:21:02 CPU time used 00:00:00


diamond> view
viewadscgd (version 1.4 2010101300) started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 19:21:02
Execute the script jsearch.vic, created by buildsearch
View> @jsearch
! Created by buildsearch at 25-Nov-2010 19:21:02
! Host bekken User schreurs WD /work/schreurs/diamond/diamond/
evpylog searching peaks type 4
! abort on warnings
abort on
! check contiguous images
checknext on
! set number of peaks in one image
peaknr 200
! peak quality
peakbg 3.0
peakbg2 3.0
! forbidden area
durationmax 5.0
! minimum intensity
peakmin 5
! no peaks to be found in next x degrees
peakremove 3.0
! stop after successive weaks
peakbreak 5
! peak size parameters
peaksizemm 0.8
! resolution limits
resomin 40.0
min resolution=40.0 (theta=0.51)
resomax 3.0
max resolution=3.0 (theta=6.8)
! apply new detalign if it exists
graphics off
! peak file
peakfile j peakopen
Created j.pk
! try read dark image later
trydark on 1.0
! read first image
read s01f0001.img.Z
one frame from s01f0001.img.Z.
Lambda changed from 0.71073 to 1.488 thmin changed to 1.07 thmax changed to 14.36
Initialized DISTOR adsc920 16 overflow pixels. Range 0.0 65535.0 Actual 30.0 5000.0
      Dist  Swing   Omega   Chi     Phi   Axis  Start     End
old   0.00   0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   1
new 116.00   0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   3    0.00    0.50
! on screen
! initialize peak search
! peak search on first image
peak3 sync
BadMaskFill 63181 pixels behind beamstop
Tried=267 Duration=19 Theta=43 Respons=5
peaklist:200 peakfile:0
! peak search on next images
\repeat 9 next plot peak3 sync
one frame from s01f0002.img.Z. 60 overflow pixels. Range 0.0 65535.0 Actual 30.0 5000.0
200 peaks in list: OnFirstFrame=165 Improving=35
Tried=270 Duration=23 Theta=41 Respons=6
! close output files
11635 reflections written to j.pk
! forget about dark
! reset display interval
graphicsmod 1
A total of 11635 peaks have been found.
View> exit
view ended at 25-Nov-2010 19:23:09 CPU time used 00:01:50


diamond> peakref
peakref (version 1.3 2010112400) started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 19:23:09
read rmatrix, created by dirax
Peakref> rmat i1
RMAT 1 i1
               RMAT                                     DMAT
  -0.0045063  -0.0149275   0.0029056      -14.2378531 -43.9840317  34.2180138
  -0.0132150  -0.0016800  -0.0042669      -50.2575226  -5.4101052 -28.7540913
   0.0103627  -0.0083707  -0.0042757       63.8838196 -96.0092926 -94.6551743
Determinant:  0.2004078E-05                             498982.7
Cell: 57.51682 58.15398 149.19292 89.7986 89.5033 90.5206 V= 498982.66
Sigma 0.0408 0.0209 0.0406 0.014 0.014 0.035 Volume 158.84
Bravais=P pg=-1
rotaxis 0.61151 -0.66932 0.42197 rotang 173.07304
Matrix 1 initial orx and ory shift set to 0.00422
no assumptions here: pointgroup=-1

read the peaks from the second peak search
Peakref> pk j.pk

FocusType changed to synchrotron ReadPkData: 12181 lines from j.pk
11635 reflections. 72 experiments.
n1=0 n2=11635
final residue = +1.0*mmAng +1.0*rotall
resfactor 0 1 0 0 0 1
Peakref> status
Reind: no reflections changed indices. matrix 1: 11635 reflections.
SetMM 1.0: 416 out of position. SetRot 1.0: 191 out of rot. 11635 reflections (11029 allowed)
Calculating initial residues.
Rmat 1 setting constraints to triclinic.
no constraints for triclinic
Fixing xtalz
One matrix. 11635 reflections. (forbidden mm:416 rot:191 total:606)
Used: 11029 mm 11029 rot
          ref   current  previous  change   initial  change   shift
a          No  57.51682                    57.51682         0.28758
b          No  58.15398                    58.15398         0.29077
c          No 149.19292                   149.19292         0.74596
alpha      No  89.79857                    89.79857         1.00000
beta       No  89.50325                    89.50325         1.00000
gamma      No  90.52058                    90.52058         1.00000
orx        No   0.61151                     0.61151         0.00422
ory        No  -0.66932                    -0.66932         0.00422
ora        No 173.07304                   173.07304         1.00000
xtalx      No   0.00000                     0.00000         0.10000
xtaly      No   0.00000                     0.00000         0.10000
xtalz     Fix   0.00000                     0.00000         0.10000
zerodist   No   0.00000                     0.00000         0.10000
zerohor   Yes   0.00000   0.00000 0.00000   0.00000 0.00000 0.10000
zerover   Yes   0.00000   0.00000 0.00000   0.00000 0.00000 0.10000
detrotx    No   0.00000                     0.00000         0.20000
detroty    No   0.00000                     0.00000         0.20000
detrotz    No   0.00000                     0.00000         0.20000
Vol           498982.59 498982.59    0.00 498982.59    0.00   11029
mm              0.43417   0.43417 0.00000   0.43417 0.00000   11029
mmAng       +   0.21445   0.21445 0.00000   0.21445 0.00000   11029
rotoutside      0.27479   0.27479 0.00000   0.27479 0.00000    4372
rotinside       0.00000   0.00000 0.00000   0.00000 0.00000    6657
rotall      +   0.10890   0.10890 0.00000   0.10890 0.00000   11029
res             0.32335   0.32335 0.00000   0.32335 0.00000
Notes Peakref> go3
Refining 2 parameters: 9 evaluations in 5 iterations. residue 0.32143 ====
Refining 2 parameters: no evaluations in no iterations. residue 0.32143
Refining 2 parameters: no evaluations in no iterations. residue 0.32143
One matrix. 11635 reflections. (forbidden mm:416 rot:191 total:606)
Used: 11029 mm 11029 rot
          ref   current  previous   change   initial   change   shift
a          No  57.51682                     57.51682          0.28758
b          No  58.15398                     58.15398          0.29077
c          No 149.19292                    149.19292          0.74596
alpha      No  89.79857                     89.79857          1.00000
beta       No  89.50325                     89.50325          1.00000
gamma      No  90.52058                     90.52058          1.00000
orx        No   0.61151                      0.61151          0.00422
ory        No  -0.66932                     -0.66932          0.00422
ora        No 173.07304                    173.07304          1.00000
xtalx      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtaly      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtalz     Fix   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerodist   No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerohor   Yes  -0.04128   0.00000 -0.04128   0.00000 -0.04128 0.10000
zerover   Yes  -0.04714   0.00000 -0.04714   0.00000 -0.04714 0.10000
detrotx    No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.20000
detroty    No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.20000
detrotz    No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.20000
Vol           498982.59 498982.59     0.00 498982.59     0.00   11029
mm              0.43029   0.43417 -0.00388   0.43417 -0.00388   11029
mmAng       +   0.21253   0.21445 -0.00192   0.21445 -0.00192   11029
rotoutside      0.27479   0.27479  0.00000   0.27479  0.00000    4372
rotinside       0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000  0.00000    6657
rotall      +   0.10890   0.10890  0.00000   0.10890  0.00000   11029
res             0.32143   0.32335 -0.00192   0.32335 -0.00192
The residue has improved a very little bit. Refine cell parameters and orientation
Peakref> free rmat
Peakref> go3
Refining 11 parameters: 593 evaluations in 410 iterations. residue 0.10011 ====
Refining 11 parameters: 111 evaluations in 64 iterations. residue 0.09983 ====
Refining 11 parameters: 63 evaluations in 37 iterations. residue 0.09981 ====
One matrix. 11635 reflections. (forbidden mm:416 rot:191 total:606)
Used: 11029 mm 11029 rot
          ref   current  previous   change   initial   change   shift
a         Yes  57.77696  57.51682  0.26015  57.51682  0.26015 0.28758
b         Yes  57.68054  58.15398 -0.47344  58.15398 -0.47344 0.29077
c         Yes 149.83981 149.19292  0.64690 149.19292  0.64690 0.74596
alpha     Yes  90.04395  89.79857  0.24539  89.79857  0.24539 1.00000
beta      Yes  90.04124  89.50325  0.53799  89.50325  0.53799 1.00000
gamma     Yes  89.93592  90.52058 -0.58466  90.52058 -0.58466 1.00000
orx       Yes   0.60607   0.61151 -0.00544   0.61151 -0.00544 0.00422
ory       Yes  -0.67159  -0.66932 -0.00226  -0.66932 -0.00226 0.00422
ora       Yes 173.08621 173.07304  0.01317 173.07304  0.01317 1.00000
xtalx      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtaly      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtalz     Fix   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerodist   No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerohor   Yes  -0.15772  -0.04128 -0.11644   0.00000 -0.15772 0.10000
zerover   Yes  -0.05039  -0.04714 -0.00326   0.00000 -0.05039 0.10000
detrotx    No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.20000
detroty    No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.20000
detrotz    No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.20000
Vol           499356.56 498982.59   373.97 498982.59   373.97   11029
mm              0.14594   0.43064 -0.28470   0.43417 -0.28823   11029
mmAng       +   0.07208   0.21270 -0.14062   0.21445 -0.14236   11029
rotoutside      0.20380   0.27535 -0.07155   0.27479 -0.07098    1510
rotinside       0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000  0.00000    9519
rotall      +   0.02773   0.10899 -0.08126   0.10890 -0.08117   11029
res             0.09981   0.32169 -0.22188   0.32335 -0.22353
Dramatic improvement. Residue down to 0.10

Refine detector orientation
Peakref> free detrot
Peakref> go3

Refining 14 parameters: Amoeba exceeding maximum(500) iterations.
722 evaluations in 500 iterations. (You may want to increase itmax) residue 0.0642 ====
Refining 14 parameters: 313 evaluations in 208 iterations. residue 0.0619 ====
Refining 14 parameters: 119 evaluations in 70 iterations. residue 0.06165 ====
One matrix. 11635 reflections. (forbidden mm:416 rot:191 total:606)
Used: 11029 mm 11029 rot
          ref   current  previous   change   initial   change   shift
a         Yes  57.72806  57.77696 -0.04890  57.51682  0.21124 0.28758
b         Yes  57.74027  57.68054  0.05973  58.15398 -0.41371 0.29077
c         Yes 149.79260 149.83981 -0.04721 149.19292  0.59969 0.74596
alpha     Yes  90.01301  90.04395 -0.03095  89.79857  0.21444 1.00000
beta      Yes  89.97675  90.04124 -0.06448  89.50325  0.47350 1.00000
gamma     Yes  89.97655  89.93592  0.04063  90.52058 -0.54402 1.00000
orx       Yes   0.60670   0.60607  0.00064   0.61151 -0.00481 0.00422
ory       Yes  -0.67136  -0.67159  0.00023  -0.66932 -0.00203 0.00422
ora       Yes 173.04492 173.08621 -0.04128 173.07304 -0.02811 1.00000
xtalx      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtaly      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtalz     Fix   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerodist   No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerohor   Yes  -0.13695  -0.15772  0.02078   0.00000 -0.13695 0.10000
zerover   Yes  -0.10134  -0.05039 -0.05095   0.00000 -0.10134 0.10000
detrotx   Yes   0.14863   0.00000  0.14863   0.00000  0.14863 0.20000
detroty   Yes   0.25508   0.00000  0.25508   0.00000  0.25508 0.20000
detrotz   Yes   0.34295   0.00000  0.34295   0.00000  0.34295 0.20000
Vol           499293.66 499356.56   -62.91 498982.59   311.06   11029
mm              0.06910   0.14598 -0.07688   0.43417 -0.36507   11029
mmAng       +   0.03413   0.07210 -0.03797   0.21445 -0.18032   11029
rotoutside      0.21392   0.20421  0.00971   0.27479 -0.06086    1431
rotinside       0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000  0.00000    9598
rotall      +   0.02752   0.02774 -0.00022   0.10890 -0.08138   11029
res             0.06165   0.09984 -0.03819   0.32335 -0.26170
A further improvement. Residue down to 0.06

Refine detector distance
Peakref> free zerodist
Peakref> go3

Refining 15 parameters: 258 evaluations in 154 iterations. residue 0.0615 ====
Refining 15 parameters: 186 evaluations in 110 iterations. residue 0.0615 ====
Refining 15 parameters: 126 evaluations in 75 iterations. residue 0.06149 ====
One matrix. 11635 reflections. (forbidden mm:416 rot:191 total:606)
Used: 11029 mm 11029 rot
          ref   current  previous   change   initial   change   shift
a         Yes  57.71700  57.72806 -0.01106  57.51682  0.20018 0.28758
b         Yes  57.73140  57.74027 -0.00887  58.15398 -0.42258 0.29077
c         Yes 149.77315 149.79260 -0.01945 149.19292  0.58023 0.74596
alpha     Yes  90.01363  90.01301  0.00063  89.79857  0.21507 1.00000
beta      Yes  89.97931  89.97675  0.00255  89.50325  0.47606 1.00000
gamma     Yes  89.97445  89.97655 -0.00211  90.52058 -0.54614 1.00000
orx       Yes   0.60664   0.60670 -0.00006   0.61151 -0.00487 0.00422
ory       Yes  -0.67142  -0.67136 -0.00006  -0.66932 -0.00210 0.00422
ora       Yes 173.04176 173.04492 -0.00316 173.07304 -0.03127 1.00000
xtalx      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtaly      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtalz     Fix   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerodist  Yes  -0.02222   0.00000 -0.02222   0.00000 -0.02222 0.10000
zerohor   Yes  -0.13514  -0.13695  0.00180   0.00000 -0.13514 0.10000
zerover   Yes  -0.10342  -0.10134 -0.00208   0.00000 -0.10342 0.10000
detrotx   Yes   0.14917   0.14863  0.00053   0.00000  0.14917 0.20000
detroty   Yes   0.26663   0.25508  0.01155   0.00000  0.26663 0.20000
detrotz   Yes   0.35991   0.34295  0.01695   0.00000  0.35991 0.20000
Vol           499056.38 499293.66  -237.28 498982.59    73.78   11029
mm              0.06852   0.06911 -0.00059   0.43417 -0.36565   11029
mmAng       +   0.03384   0.03413 -0.00029   0.21445 -0.18061   11029
rotoutside      0.19931   0.21407 -0.01476   0.27479 -0.07548    1543
rotinside       0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000  0.00000    9486
rotall      +   0.02765   0.02752  0.00013   0.10890 -0.08125   11029
res             0.06149   0.06166 -0.00016   0.32335 -0.26185
Remarks: Set pointgroup. The arguments allow a 0.2 Å and 0.2 degree margin.
Peakref> pgzero 0.2 0.2
Rmat 1 setting constraints to tetragonal.
Fixing xtalz
final constraints: b=57.7242
SetupRmatrices matrix 1 rotvec= 0.60664 -0.67142 0.42565 AbsVec=1.0 rotang=173.04176
Stored rmat as 1
RMAT 1 i1
               RMAT                                     DMAT
  -0.0044923  -0.0149537   0.0028924      -14.9687166 -43.8737297  34.3964500
  -0.0131671  -0.0016344  -0.0042930      -49.8269386  -5.4460492 -28.6304016
   0.0103228  -0.0085923  -0.0042171       64.8812485 -96.2996750 -94.5980606
Determinant:  0.2003781E-05                             499056.5
Cell: 57.72419 57.72420 149.77315 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 V= 499056.53
Sigma 0.0408 0.0209 0.0406 0.014 0.014 0.035 Volume 158.84
Bravais=P pg=4/m
                a       b       c      alpha    beta   gamma    volume
Refined 1  :  57.724  57.724 149.773   90.00   90.00   90.00   499056.5
Original 1 :  57.517  58.154 149.193   89.80   89.50   90.52   498982.7
Volume ratio = 1.0 No solutions
Pointgroup has been set to 4/m
Peakref> status
One matrix. 11635 reflections. (forbidden mm:416 rot:191 total:606)
Used: 11029 mm 11029 rot
          ref   current  previous   change   initial   change   shift
a         Yes  57.72420  57.72806 -0.00386  57.51682  0.20738 0.28758
b         Con  57.72420                     58.15398          0.29077
c         Yes 149.77315 149.79260 -0.01945 149.19292  0.58023 0.74596
alpha     Fix  90.00000                     89.79857          1.00000
beta      Fix  90.00000                     89.50325          1.00000
gamma     Fix  90.00000                     90.52058          1.00000
orx       Yes   0.60664   0.60670 -0.00006   0.61151 -0.00487 0.00422
ory       Yes  -0.67142  -0.67136 -0.00006  -0.66932 -0.00210 0.00422
ora       Yes 173.04176 173.04492 -0.00316 173.07304 -0.03127 1.00000
xtalx      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtaly      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtalz     Fix   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerodist  Yes  -0.02222   0.00000 -0.02222   0.00000 -0.02222 0.10000
zerohor   Yes  -0.13514  -0.13695  0.00180   0.00000 -0.13514 0.10000
zerover   Yes  -0.10342  -0.10134 -0.00208   0.00000 -0.10342 0.10000
detrotx   Yes   0.14917   0.14863  0.00053   0.00000  0.14917 0.20000
detroty   Yes   0.26663   0.25508  0.01155   0.00000  0.26663 0.20000
detrotz   Yes   0.35991   0.34295  0.01695   0.00000  0.35991 0.20000
Vol           499056.53 499293.66  -237.13 498982.59    73.94   11029
mm              0.07336   0.06911  0.00425   0.43417 -0.36081   11029
mmAng       +   0.03623   0.03413  0.00210   0.21445 -0.17822   11029
rotoutside      0.18709   0.21407 -0.02699   0.27479 -0.08770    1692
rotinside       0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000  0.00000    9337
rotall      +   0.02854   0.02752  0.00102   0.10890 -0.08035   11029
res             0.06478   0.06166  0.00312   0.32335 -0.25857
Due to the constraints on a, b, alpha, beta and gamma, the residue increased from 0.061 to 0.065

Refine again.
Peakref> go3

Refining 11 parameters: 219 evaluations in 139 iterations. residue 0.06267
Refining 11 parameters: 130 evaluations in 77 iterations. residue 0.06256
Refining 11 parameters: 92 evaluations in 54 iterations. residue 0.06251
One matrix. 11635 reflections. (forbidden mm:416 rot:191 total:606)
Used: 11029 mm 11029 rot
          ref   current  previous   change   initial   change   shift
a         Yes  57.69807  57.72420 -0.02613  57.51682  0.18125 0.28758
b         Con  57.69807                     58.15398          0.29077
c         Yes 149.70992 149.77315 -0.06323 149.19292  0.51700 0.74596
alpha     Fix  90.00000                     89.79857          1.00000
beta      Fix  90.00000                     89.50325          1.00000
gamma     Fix  90.00000                     90.52058          1.00000
orx       Yes   0.60671   0.60664  0.00006   0.61151 -0.00480 0.00422
ory       Yes  -0.67129  -0.67142  0.00013  -0.66932 -0.00197 0.00422
ora       Yes 173.03288 173.04176 -0.00888 173.07304 -0.04015 1.00000
xtalx      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtaly      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtalz     Fix   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerodist  Yes  -0.07727  -0.02222 -0.05505   0.00000 -0.07727 0.10000
zerohor   Yes  -0.13435  -0.13514  0.00079   0.00000 -0.13435 0.10000
zerover   Yes  -0.10174  -0.10342  0.00167   0.00000 -0.10174 0.10000
detrotx   Yes   0.14706   0.14917 -0.00211   0.00000  0.14706 0.20000
detroty   Yes   0.26628   0.26663 -0.00035   0.00000  0.26628 0.20000
detrotz   Yes   0.35886   0.35991 -0.00105   0.00000  0.35886 0.20000
Vol           498394.38 499056.53  -662.16 498982.59  -588.22   11029
mm              0.07161   0.07336 -0.00175   0.43417 -0.36257   11029
mmAng       +   0.03537   0.03623 -0.00087   0.21445 -0.17908   11029
rotoutside      0.21148   0.18709  0.02440   0.27479 -0.06330    1425
rotinside       0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000  0.00000    9604
rotall      +   0.02714   0.02854 -0.00140   0.10890 -0.08176   11029
res             0.06251   0.06478 -0.00227   0.32335 -0.26084
After all these changes there is a chance that some reflections have been mis-indexed. It is wise to reindex the peaks.
Peakref> reind
Reind: 813 reflections changed indices. matrix 1: 11635 reflections.
SetMM 1.0: 4 out of position. SetRot 1.0: 4 out of rot. 11635 reflections (11630 allowed)
813 reflections change indices,
Peakref> status
One matrix. 11635 reflections. (forbidden mm:4 rot:4 total:5)
Used: 11630 mm 11630 rot
          ref   current  previous   change   initial   change   shift
a         Yes  57.69807  57.72420 -0.02613  57.51682  0.18125 0.28758
b         Con  57.69807                     58.15398          0.29077
c         Yes 149.70992 149.77315 -0.06323 149.19292  0.51700 0.74596
alpha     Fix  90.00000                     89.79857          1.00000
beta      Fix  90.00000                     89.50325          1.00000
gamma     Fix  90.00000                     90.52058          1.00000
orx       Yes   0.60671   0.60664  0.00006   0.61151 -0.00480 0.00422
ory       Yes  -0.67129  -0.67142  0.00013  -0.66932 -0.00197 0.00422
ora       Yes 173.03288 173.04176 -0.00888 173.07304 -0.04015 1.00000
xtalx      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtaly      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtalz     Fix   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerodist  Yes  -0.07727  -0.02222 -0.05505   0.00000 -0.07727 0.10000
zerohor   Yes  -0.13435  -0.13514  0.00079   0.00000 -0.13435 0.10000
zerover   Yes  -0.10174  -0.10342  0.00167   0.00000 -0.10174 0.10000
detrotx   Yes   0.14706   0.14917 -0.00211   0.00000  0.14706 0.20000
detroty   Yes   0.26628   0.26663 -0.00035   0.00000  0.26628 0.20000
detrotz   Yes   0.35886   0.35991 -0.00105   0.00000  0.35886 0.20000
Vol           498394.38 499056.53  -662.16 498982.59  -588.22   11630
mm              0.02200   0.07336 -0.05136   0.43417 -0.41217   11630
mmAng       +   0.01086   0.03623 -0.02537   0.21445 -0.20358   11630
rotoutside      0.03637   0.18709 -0.15071   0.27479 -0.23841    1022
rotinside       0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   10608
rotall      +   0.00317   0.02854 -0.02538   0.10890 -0.10573   11630
res             0.01403   0.06478 -0.05075   0.32335 -0.30932
And there are only 5 rejected reflections (two lines above the table).
Note the residue: 0.014

Final refinement
Peakref> go3

Refining 11 parameters: 359 evaluations in 232 iterations. residue 0.0128 ====
Refining 11 parameters: 177 evaluations in 106 iterations. residue 0.01277 ====
Refining 11 parameters: 123 evaluations in 73 iterations. residue 0.01276 ====
One matrix. 11635 reflections. (forbidden mm:4 rot:4 total:5)
Used: 11630 mm 11630 rot
          ref   current  previous   change   initial   change   shift
a         Yes  57.69087  57.69807 -0.00719  57.51682  0.17406 0.28758
b         Con  57.69087                     58.15398          0.29077
c         Yes 149.68153 149.70992 -0.02838 149.19292  0.48862 0.74596
alpha     Fix  90.00000                     89.79857          1.00000
beta      Fix  90.00000                     89.50325          1.00000
gamma     Fix  90.00000                     90.52058          1.00000
orx       Yes   0.60687   0.60671  0.00017   0.61151 -0.00464 0.00422
ory       Yes  -0.67112  -0.67129  0.00017  -0.66932 -0.00180 0.00422
ora       Yes 173.04477 173.03288  0.01188 173.07304 -0.02826 1.00000
xtalx      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtaly      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtalz     Fix   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerodist  Yes  -0.09686  -0.07727 -0.01959   0.00000 -0.09686 0.10000
zerohor   Yes  -0.13563  -0.13435 -0.00128   0.00000 -0.13563 0.10000
zerover   Yes  -0.10421  -0.10174 -0.00247   0.00000 -0.10421 0.10000
detrotx   Yes   0.14892   0.14706  0.00186   0.00000  0.14892 0.20000
detroty   Yes   0.27797   0.26628  0.01169   0.00000  0.27797 0.20000
detrotz   Yes   0.35661   0.35886 -0.00225   0.00000  0.35661 0.20000
Vol           498175.53 498394.38  -218.84 498982.59  -807.06   11630
mm              0.02201   0.02200  0.00001   0.43417 -0.41216   11630
mmAng       +   0.01087   0.01086  0.00001   0.21445 -0.20358   11630
rotoutside      0.03250   0.03637 -0.00388   0.27479 -0.24229     685
rotinside       0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   10945
rotall      +   0.00189   0.00317 -0.00128   0.10890 -0.10701   11630
res             0.01276   0.01403 -0.00127   0.32335 -0.31059
And keep the results
Peakref> saveall
Adding original position(0.0 0.11 -0.41) to refined detzero.
Enter name [detalign.vic] detalign.vic
WARNING: renaming existing file detalign.vic into detalign.vic.~2~
Created detalign.vic
Enter name [goniostat.vic] goniostat.vic
Created goniostat.vic
             initial                                    new
  -0.0045063  -0.0149275   0.0029056       -0.0044853  -0.0149614   0.0028971
  -0.0132150  -0.0016800  -0.0042669       -0.0131739  -0.0016492  -0.0042951
   0.0103627  -0.0083707  -0.0042757        0.0103339  -0.0085963  -0.0042181
Determinant:  0.2004078E-05                            0.2007325E-05
Enter name [i1r] ic.rmat
Created ic.rmat
Remember, the pointgroup has been set to 4/m. The file ic.rmat contains this information.
Peakref> exit
peakref ended at 25-Nov-2010 19:23:36 CPU time used 00:00:27


diamond> builddatcol
builddatcol started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 19:23:36
script name [datcol] datcol
datcoltemplate=datcol Found Z compressed .img images
load the cell matrix, saved by peakref
Enter *.rmat filename [ic] ic
This is the moment to assign multiple lattices. In this case there is none.
rmat 2 [] <Enter>
rmat ic.rmat subdir ic
Created datcolsetup.vic
Minimum resolution (angstrom)[50.0] 50
Set the maximum resolution to the sides of the detector
Maximum resolution (angstrom)[2.5] 1.6
Box size in mm[2.3] 2.3
Box depth in frames[5] 5
Maximum Duration[5.0] 5.0
Minimum nr of reflections in one boxfile[1000] 1000
Compress box files [yes] yes
Display images every n frames[10] 100
searching *.img*
new scan:s01f 369 images Created datcol.vic Created datcols01f.vic
builddatcol ended at 25-Nov-2010 19:23:36 CPU time used 00:00:00


diamond> view
viewadscgd (version 1.4 2010101300) started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 19:23:36
Goniostat: type horax id adsc920
create the boxfiles by executing the previously build script.
View> @datcol
! Created by builddatcol at 25-Nov-2010 19:23:36
! Host bekken User schreurs WD /work/schreurs/diamond/diamond/
evpylog creating boxfiles
one frame from s01f0001.img.Z.
Lambda changed from 0.71073 to 1.488
Initialized DISTOR adsc920 No files badpixel.* found in [.:adsc920:/usr/global/calibration/adsc920] 16 overflow pixels.
Filling scratch for CorrectBadPixels. 0 same 0 replaced. Range 0.0 65535.0 Actual 30.0 5000.0
      Dist  Swing   Omega   Chi     Phi   Axis  Start     End
old   0.00   0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   1
new 116.00   0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   3    0.00    0.50
RMAT 1 ic
               RMAT                                     DMAT
  -0.0044853  -0.0149614   0.0028971      -14.9281244 -43.8460999  34.3934746
  -0.0131739  -0.0016492  -0.0042951      -49.7948074  -5.4893670 -28.6107864
   0.0103339  -0.0085963  -0.0042181       64.9072723 -96.2312393 -94.5056610
Determinant:  0.2007317E-05                             498177.4
Cell: 57.69090 57.69084 149.68208 89.9994 89.9997 89.9999 V= 498177.41
Sigma 0.0408 0.0209 0.0406 0.014 0.014 0.035 Volume 158.84
Bravais=P pg=4/m
min resolution=50.0 (theta=0.85)
max resolution=1.6 (theta=27.71)
boxsizemm=2.3 boxhor=23 boxver=23 boxang=1.14
Setting ZoomWindow 382 382
DatcolSetup Resolution 50.0 to 1.6 (Theta 0.85 to 27.71). Rotrange from -1.0 to 359.0
rmat   h   k   l  genrtd  presnt   theta    dura    left  rotran  impact   right  rotran  impact   total
   1  36  36  93  996523  996522  474834  463788  463788  463788  453603  463788  463788  454900  908503
Behind Beamstop:10 Total accepted:908493
too many: 808493 reflections (out of 908493). 11.01% useable. scanlength reduced from 360.0 to 33.16
Activescanlength reduced from 360.0 to 35.66 datcolrange1 -1.0 datcolrange2 changed to 34.66
DatcolSetup Resolution 50.0 to 1.6 (Theta 0.85 to 27.71). Rotrange from -1.0 to 34.66
rmat   h   k   l  genrtd  presnt   theta    dura    left  rotran  impact   right  rotran  impact   total
   1  36  36  93  996523  996522  474834  463788  463788   45966   44941  463788   45931   45095   90036
Behind Beamstop:1 Total accepted:90035
Created ic/s01f001.shoe (3817) + 0 = 0
picture picture
s01f0002  (5064) + 0 = 0
s01f0003  (5040) + 1264 = 1264 Closed ic/s01f001.shoe
compress <ic/s01f001.shoe >ic/s01f001.shoe.Z && rm ic/s01f001.shoe
s01f0004  Created ic/s01f002.shoe (5043) + 1255 = 1255 Closed ic/s01f002.shoe
compress <ic/s01f002.shoe >ic/s01f002.shoe.Z && rm ic/s01f002.shoe
s01f0005  Created ic/s01f003.shoe (5029) + 1298 = 1298 Closed ic/s01f003.shoe
compress <ic/s01f003.shoe >ic/s01f003.shoe.Z && rm ic/s01f003.shoe
s01f0006  Created ic/s01f004.shoe (5028) + 1247 = 1247 Closed ic/s01f004.shoe
compress <ic/s01f004.shoe >ic/s01f004.shoe.Z && rm ic/s01f004.shoe
s01f0007  Created ic/s01f005.shoe (5029) + 1239 = 1239 Closed ic/s01f005.shoe
compress <ic/s01f005.shoe >ic/s01f005.shoe.Z && rm ic/s01f005.shoe
s01f0008  Created ic/s01f006.shoe (5067) + 1258 = 1258 Closed ic/s01f006.shoe
compress <ic/s01f006.shoe >ic/s01f006.shoe.Z && rm ic/s01f006.shoe
s01f0009  Created ic/s01f007.shoe (5021) + 1283 = 1283 Closed ic/s01f007.shoe
compress <ic/s01f007.shoe >ic/s01f007.shoe.Z && rm ic/s01f007.shoe
s01f0010  Created ic/s01f008.shoe (4969) + 1245 = 1245 Closed ic/s01f008.shoe
compress <ic/s01f008.shoe >ic/s01f008.shoe.Z && rm ic/s01f008.shoe
s01f0011  Created ic/s01f009.shoe (5013) + 1241 = 1241 Closed ic/s01f009.shoe
compress <ic/s01f363.shoe >ic/s01f363.shoe.Z && rm ic/s01f363.shoe
s01f0366  Created ic/s01f364.shoe (5028) + 1248 = 1248 Closed ic/s01f364.shoe
compress <ic/s01f364.shoe >ic/s01f364.shoe.Z && rm ic/s01f364.shoe
s01f0367  Created ic/s01f365.shoe (5028) + 1240 = 1240 Closed ic/s01f365.shoe
compress <ic/s01f365.shoe >ic/s01f365.shoe.Z && rm ic/s01f365.shoe
s01f0368  Created ic/s01f366.shoe (5067) + 1258 = 1258 Closed ic/s01f366.shoe
compress <ic/s01f366.shoe >ic/s01f366.shoe.Z && rm ic/s01f366.shoe
s01f0369  Created ic/s01f367.shoe (5023) + 1283 = 1283 Closed ic/s01f367.shoe
compress <ic/s01f367.shoe >ic/s01f367.shoe.Z && rm ic/s01f367.shoe
Created ic/s01f368.shoe (0) + 2486 = 2486 Closed ic/s01f368.shoe
compress <ic/s01f368.shoe >ic/s01f368.shoe.Z && rm ic/s01f368.shoe
view ended at 25-Nov-2010 19:43:40 CPU time used 00:10:37


diamond> cd ic
ic> buildeval15
buildeval15 (version 1.1 2010112500) started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 19:43:41
  s01f001.shoe.Z Opened
  learning: detectortype=adsc imagedepth=0.5 lambda=1.488 detid=adsc920
  gonid=adsc920 calid=adsc920 s01f001.shoe.Z closed after 8192 bytes 47 lines
  Created spectrum.pic lambda 1.488
  no xtal.evc found. Created focus.pic
  Possible Focus Types: unknown tube rotating mirror synchrotron file
Initiate some variables. The information needed will be extracted from the first boxfile or possibly available other files. Missing information has to be supplied by the user.
Enter Focus Type [synchrotron] synchrotron
  Created detector.pic
pointspreadgamma[0.8] 0.8
  no p4p files found. no absorb.ins found. no xtal.evc found.
  Created crystal.pic
We don't known anything about the crystal. Let's assume it is a small sphere with 0.1 mm diameter.
crystal dimension[0.2] 0.1
  no xtal.evc found. Created mosaic.pic
We don't known anything about the mosaicity. Inspection of the images we have seen until now suggests a small value.
mosaic[0.3] 0.1
  Created simulation.pic
  Created refine.pic refineshift exrot => 0.1
Created eval15.init
buildeval15 ended at 25-Nov-2010 19:43:41 CPU time used 00:00:00
ic> cd -


diamond> cd ic
ic> eval15
eval15 (version 1.2 2010112500) started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 19:43:41
 1 1.48800 0.00010    1.00
lambdacalcmean: 1.488(0.0001,1.0) Mean=1.488 Mid=1.488
SetupXtalModel 4: 20 corners
12 new faces ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ).
The reflections in the first box file originate from the first image. Part of these reflections would probably have impacted the non-existing previous frame. Therefore the first reflections in the first boxfile will probably be incomplete. So open the third boxfile, and read reflection number 1.
Eval15> file 3 1
s01f003.shoe.Z Opened
  ignoring focus parameters
  ALPHA 1.488 (ignored)
  Cell: 57.69090 57.69084 149.68208 89.9994 89.9997 89.9999 V= 498177.41
  No FaceRmat 12 faces 20 corners 30 edges
The wavelength has been set by the file spectrum.pic. The value contained in the boxfile is ignored.

Refl nr [2] go

SampleXtal SampleSize 0.01 mm. xtaldim 0.093 0.098 0.079 350 sample points. volume = 350.0 mu^3
1:-17 -1 -7 sim:10000m px:138m DrawSimulatedImpacts I=1606.048 s=24.257 I/s=66.21
nb   h  k  l    hor    ver  rot  dhor  dver  drot   np Intensity Sigma I/sig SI SS SI/SS
 1 -17 -1 -8 -25.54 -49.85 0.24  0.79 -0.69 -0.76 9974   1433.52 23.10  62.1
 2 -17 -1 -6 -27.11 -48.49 1.77 -0.79  0.67  0.77 9994   5696.58 41.70 136.6
I=1606.048 s=24.257 I/s=66.21 foms: 1.791 4.774 0.51
Refine reflection position
Refl nr [2] refine
1:-17 -1 -7 DrawSimulatedImpacts I=1605.995 s=24.251 I/s=66.223
nb   h  k  l    hor    ver  rot  dhor  dver  drot   np Intensity Sigma I/sig SI SS SI/SS
 1 -17 -1 -8 -25.54 -49.85 0.24  0.79 -0.69 -0.76 9974   1433.80 23.10  62.1
 2 -17 -1 -6 -27.11 -48.49 1.77 -0.79  0.67  0.77 9994   5695.99 41.69 136.6
I=1605.995 s=24.251 I/s=66.223 foms: 1.791 4.774 0.51 30/60 RefFom=1.566
1:-17 -1 -7 sim:10000m px:139m DrawSimulatedImpacts I=1662.317 s=25.121 I/s=66.173
nb   h  k  l    hor    ver  rot  dhor  dver  drot   np Intensity Sigma I/sig SI SS SI/SS
 1 -17 -1 -8 -25.54 -49.85 0.24  0.79 -0.69 -0.76 9974   1448.61 23.61  61.3
 2 -17 -1 -6 -27.11 -48.49 1.77 -0.79  0.67  0.77 9994   5721.00 43.29 132.2
I=1662.317 s=25.121 I/s=66.173 foms: 1.565 4.533 0.505 FinalImpact -26.308 -49.155 1.0
variable    value    last    init   shift
exhor     0.01778 0.00000 0.00000 0.11000
exver     0.00697 0.00000 0.00000 0.11000
exrot    -0.00142 0.00000 0.00000 0.10000
box       1.56510 1.79116 1.79116
peak      4.53314 4.77422 4.77422
bg        0.50535 0.50964 0.50964
FinalImpact -26.308 -49.155 1.0

Try another sigma for the wavelength
Refl nr [2] lambdasigma
Let's try a ten times larger value
lambdasigma1[0.0001] *10
Refl nr [2] go

1:-17 -1 -7 sim:9993m+7e px:154m DrawSimulatedImpacts I=1987.554 s=29.203 I/s=68.06
nb   h  k  l    hor    ver  rot  dhor  dver  drot   np Intensity Sigma I/sig SI SS SI/SS
 1 -17 -1 -8 -25.54 -49.85 0.24  0.79 -0.69 -0.76 9946   1574.02 25.55  61.6
 2 -17 -1 -6 -27.11 -48.49 1.77 -0.79  0.67  0.77 9956   5946.91 45.09 131.9
I=1987.554 s=29.203 I/s=68.06 foms: 1.012 2.431 0.487 FinalImpact -26.308 -49.155 1.0
Save the new wavelength parameters
Refl nr [2] save spectrum
filename [spectrum.pic] <Enter>
WARNING: renaming existing file spectrum.pic into spectrum.pic.~1~
Created spectrum.pic
Refl nr [2] exit
64 go_runs.
eval15 ended at 25-Nov-2010 19:43:42 CPU time used 00:00:01
ic> cd -


diamond> cd ic
eval15all is the command to integrate all the boxfiles. In this case, I use a different command. The integration of the various boxfiles will be run in parallel on several computers, with 4 processors each. The results of all the boxfile-integrations will be merged into one file final.y

build todo list
ic> batchsetup set

independent run for each boxfile.
368 jobs todo
building computers...
name       avail   load n ecm6
bekken      2.13   2.87 4   2
cello       0.71   1.19 1   1
cornet      4.00   2.08 4   4
gong        3.01   3.99 4   4
harp        1.00   0.80 1   1
klok        3.17   3.83 4   4
tamtam      3.66   2.34 4   3
triangel   -9.02  12.02 4   0
trommel    -5.00   8.00 4   0
vibrafoon  -1.11   4.11 4   0
xylofoon    3.16   3.84 4   4
11 hosts 38 cpu's. Total load = 45.07
21 useable cpu's
cornet tamtam klok xylofoon gong cornet tamtam klok xylofoon bekken gong cornet tamtam klok xylofoon bekken gong cornet harp cello tamtam
You may want to change the file computers.
Start the batch proces with batchstart.
ic> batchstart
21 CPU's to be used
number of jobs = 368
number of simultaneous jobs = 21
available number of rows = 8
number of columns = 3
21:31:24 done:367 busy:1
number of jobs done = 368
Created final.y
s01f s01f001.y s01f002.y s01f003.y s01f004.y s01f005.y s01f006.y s01f007.y
     s01f008.y s01f009.y s01f010.y s01f011.y s01f012.y s01f013.y s01f014.y
     s01f015.y s01f016.y s01f017.y s01f018.y s01f019.y s01f020.y s01f021.y
     s01f022.y s01f023.y s01f024.y s01f025.y s01f026.y s01f027.y s01f028.y
     s01f029.y s01f030.y s01f031.y s01f032.y s01f033.y s01f034.y s01f035.y
     s01f036.y s01f037.y s01f038.y s01f039.y s01f040.y s01f041.y s01f042.y
     s01f043.y s01f044.y s01f045.y s01f046.y s01f047.y s01f048.y s01f049.y
     s01f050.y s01f051.y s01f052.y s01f053.y s01f054.y s01f055.y s01f056.y
     s01f057.y s01f058.y s01f059.y s01f060.y s01f061.y s01f062.y s01f063.y
     s01f064.y s01f065.y s01f066.y s01f067.y s01f068.y s01f069.y s01f070.y
     s01f071.y s01f072.y s01f073.y s01f074.y s01f075.y s01f076.y s01f077.y
     s01f078.y s01f079.y s01f080.y s01f081.y s01f082.y s01f083.y s01f084.y
     s01f085.y s01f086.y s01f087.y s01f088.y s01f089.y s01f090.y s01f091.y
     s01f092.y s01f093.y s01f094.y s01f095.y s01f096.y s01f097.y s01f098.y
     s01f099.y s01f100.y s01f101.y s01f102.y s01f103.y s01f104.y s01f105.y
     s01f106.y s01f107.y s01f108.y s01f109.y s01f110.y s01f111.y s01f112.y
     s01f113.y s01f114.y s01f115.y s01f116.y s01f117.y s01f118.y s01f119.y
     s01f120.y s01f121.y s01f122.y s01f123.y s01f124.y s01f125.y s01f126.y
     s01f127.y s01f128.y s01f129.y s01f130.y s01f131.y s01f132.y s01f133.y
     s01f134.y s01f135.y s01f136.y s01f137.y s01f138.y s01f139.y s01f140.y
     s01f141.y s01f142.y s01f143.y s01f144.y s01f145.y s01f146.y s01f147.y
     s01f148.y s01f149.y s01f150.y s01f151.y s01f152.y s01f153.y s01f154.y
     s01f155.y s01f156.y s01f157.y s01f158.y s01f159.y s01f160.y s01f161.y
     s01f162.y s01f163.y s01f164.y s01f165.y s01f166.y s01f167.y s01f168.y
     s01f169.y s01f170.y s01f171.y s01f172.y s01f173.y s01f174.y s01f175.y
     s01f176.y s01f177.y s01f178.y s01f179.y s01f180.y s01f181.y s01f182.y
     s01f183.y s01f184.y s01f185.y s01f186.y s01f187.y s01f188.y s01f189.y
     s01f190.y s01f191.y s01f192.y s01f193.y s01f194.y s01f195.y s01f196.y
     s01f197.y s01f198.y s01f199.y s01f200.y s01f201.y s01f202.y s01f203.y
     s01f204.y s01f205.y s01f206.y s01f207.y s01f208.y s01f209.y s01f210.y
     s01f211.y s01f212.y s01f213.y s01f214.y s01f215.y s01f216.y s01f217.y
     s01f218.y s01f219.y s01f220.y s01f221.y s01f222.y s01f223.y s01f224.y
     s01f225.y s01f226.y s01f227.y s01f228.y s01f229.y s01f230.y s01f231.y
     s01f232.y s01f233.y s01f234.y s01f235.y s01f236.y s01f237.y s01f238.y
     s01f239.y s01f240.y s01f241.y s01f242.y s01f243.y s01f244.y s01f245.y
     s01f246.y s01f247.y s01f248.y s01f249.y s01f250.y s01f251.y s01f252.y
     s01f253.y s01f254.y s01f255.y s01f256.y s01f257.y s01f258.y s01f259.y
     s01f260.y s01f261.y s01f262.y s01f263.y s01f264.y s01f265.y s01f266.y
     s01f267.y s01f268.y s01f269.y s01f270.y s01f271.y s01f272.y s01f273.y
     s01f274.y s01f275.y s01f276.y s01f277.y s01f278.y s01f279.y s01f280.y
     s01f281.y s01f282.y s01f283.y s01f284.y s01f285.y s01f286.y s01f287.y
     s01f288.y s01f289.y s01f290.y s01f291.y s01f292.y s01f293.y s01f294.y
     s01f295.y s01f296.y s01f297.y s01f298.y s01f299.y s01f300.y s01f301.y
     s01f302.y s01f303.y s01f304.y s01f305.y s01f306.y s01f307.y s01f308.y
     s01f309.y s01f310.y s01f311.y s01f312.y s01f313.y s01f314.y s01f315.y
     s01f316.y s01f317.y s01f318.y s01f319.y s01f320.y s01f321.y s01f322.y
     s01f323.y s01f324.y s01f325.y s01f326.y s01f327.y s01f328.y s01f329.y
     s01f330.y s01f331.y s01f332.y s01f333.y s01f334.y s01f335.y s01f336.y
     s01f337.y s01f338.y s01f339.y s01f340.y s01f341.y s01f342.y s01f343.y
     s01f344.y s01f345.y s01f346.y s01f347.y s01f348.y s01f349.y s01f350.y
     s01f351.y s01f352.y s01f353.y s01f354.y s01f355.y s01f356.y s01f357.y
     s01f358.y s01f359.y s01f360.y s01f361.y s01f362.y s01f363.y s01f364.y
     s01f365.y s01f366.y s01f367.y s01f368.y
368 files. 4719553 lines input. 15781 lines skipped. 4703405 lines output.
ic> cd -


diamond> cd ic
ic> any
any (version 1.5 2010111000) started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 21:32:29
Created any.log
Any> read final
y-data from final.y
465397 reflections nPg=8 (h,k,l) (k,-h,l) (-h,-k,l) (-k,h,l) (-h,-k,-l) (-k,h,-l) (h,k,-l) (k,-h,-l)
Start mdian2 on 465397 reflections mdian2 stopped after 101 passes median=31956.0 presentationscale=0.0000626
Calculating Extremes
Cannot calculate icr for reflection 54. (total 1853 icr's failed)
69 too negative reflections (allowed) 34626 weak reflections (allowed)
Status for final.y
               RMAT                                     DMAT
  -0.0044853  -0.0149614   0.0028971      -14.9281244 -43.8460999  34.3934746
  -0.0131739  -0.0016492  -0.0042951      -49.7948074  -5.4893670 -28.6107864
   0.0103339  -0.0085963  -0.0042181       64.9072723 -96.2312393 -94.5056610
Determinant:  0.2007317E-05                             498177.4
Cell: 57.69090 57.69084 149.68208 89.9994 89.9997 89.9999 V= 498177.41
Sigma 0.0408 0.0209 0.0406 0.014 0.014 0.035 Volume 158.84
Bravais=P pg=4/m
Lambda=1.488 pointgroup=4/m
reflections=465397 unique=64247 weak=34626 negative=69
Unique: H from -36 to 0 K from -25 to 24 L from -93 to 0
Full Sphere: H from -36 to 36 K from -36 to 36 L from -93 to 93
Max equivalents 11 datalimit theta 0.8544 27.7102. datalimit reso 1.6 49.894. datalimit chi 0.0 78.1585.
datalimit psi -153.2682 153.0809.
datalimit intensity -108.0624 16449.5723. datalimit duration 1.0 5.0.
one Experiment 368 Sets 369 Images
presentationscale 0.0000626
Require: NONE
Rsym=0.097 Rmeas=0.105 Rpim=0.039 Chi2=28.511 nRsym=453087 Unique1=45 Unique2+=64113
<I>=194.609 <s>=4.871 <I/s>=27.387 <I>/<s>=39.95 nMean=453132
The overal rsym (see the last 2 lines) is not that good. But note, these data are unscaled.

Print rsym and completeness for various resolution shells.
Any> rshell

Completeness and Rmerge for Shells
Require: NONE
Sh Theta Reso   Meas   Equi    Obs Mis  Total  Perc  Cum Uni1 Uni2+  Nrsym Redun  Rsym Rmeas  Rpim  Chi2
 1 12.46 3.45  43890   6554  50444 638  51082  98.8 98.8   40  6396  47637  7.45 0.068 0.074 0.028 26.61
 2 15.78 2.74  41908   8818  50726   0  50726 100.0 99.4    2  6411  47178  7.36 0.090 0.097 0.036 38.66
 3 18.14 2.39  41283   9627  50910   2  50912 100.0 99.6    0  6424  47538  7.40 0.119 0.128 0.047 46.48
 4 20.04 2.17  40534  10578  51112   0  51112 100.0 99.7    0  6442  47429  7.36 0.111 0.119 0.044 34.46
 5 21.66 2.02  39514  11474  50988   0  50988 100.0 99.7    0  6422  46840  7.29 0.116 0.125 0.046 29.16
 6 23.09 1.90  38439  12269  50708   0  50708 100.0 99.8    0  6382  46124  7.23 0.130 0.140 0.052 25.40
 7 24.39 1.80  37947  12947  50894   0  50894 100.0 99.8    0  6405  45920  7.17 0.145 0.157 0.059 19.75
 8 25.57 1.72  37525  13769  51294   0  51294 100.0 99.8    0  6453  45886  7.11 0.165 0.178 0.067 21.19
 9 26.68 1.66  36422  14280  50702   0  50702 100.0 99.9    0  6376  44911  7.04 0.183 0.198 0.075 22.50
10 27.71 1.60  26931  23987  50918  20  50938 100.0 99.9    3  6401  33622  5.25 0.203 0.227 0.098 16.53
   27.71 1.60 384393 124303 508696 660 509356  99.9 99.9   45 64112 453085  7.07 0.097 0.105 0.039 28.51
The geometry allows both 4/mmm and 4/m. Is this reflected by the symmetry of the intensities?
Any> rlaue
pg        R Rmeas  Rpim    Chi2 Uni1  Uni2+  nRsym
-1    0.078 0.109 0.076   30.07 5877 218373 447255 -1    Triclinic
2/m   0.092 0.109 0.058   30.04  918 127386 452214 2/m   Monoclinic
mmm   0.096 0.104 0.039   27.74   79  66632 453053 mmm   Orthorhombic
4/m   0.097 0.105 0.039   28.51   45  64113 453087 4/m   Tetragonal low
4/mmm 0.098 0.102 0.028   27.47   27  34315 453105 4/mmm Tetragonal high
-3    0.579 0.648 0.287 2406.36  904 123017 452228 -3    Trigonal low
-3m1  0.585 0.619 0.198 2210.61  114  65028 453018 -3m1  Trigonal high
-31m  0.595 0.629 0.202 2333.14  117  65031 453015 -31m  Trigonal high
6/m   0.596 0.628 0.199 2318.83   93  63741 453039 6/m   Hexagonal low
6/mmm 0.598 0.616 0.143 2230.06   14  34267 453118 6/mmm Hexagonal high
R-3   0.523 0.584 0.254 2289.60 2597 146934 450535 R-3   Rhombohedral low
R-3m  0.530 0.560 0.178 2083.88  478  85543 452654 R-3m  Rhombohedral high
m3    0.532 0.562 0.176 2104.33 2524  83034 450608 m3    Cubic low
m3m   0.535 0.543 0.090 1948.21    4  23491 453128 m3m   Cubic high
Building 4/m
Yes. So set pointgroup to 4/mmm.
Any> pg 4/mmm
pointgroup set to 4/mmm
Calculating Extremes
Cannot calculate icr for reflection 54. (total 1372 icr's failed)
nPg=16 (h,k,l) (k,-h,l) (-h,-k,l) (-k,h,l) (h,-k,-l) (-k,-h,-l) (-h,k,-l) (k,h,-l) (-h,-k,-l) (-k,h,-l) (h,k,-l) (k,-h,-l)
(-h,k,l) (k,h,l) (h,-k,l) (-k,-h,l)
Any> rshell
Completeness and Rmerge for Shells
Require: NONE
Sh Theta Reso   Meas   Equi    Obs Mis  Total  Perc  Cum Uni1 Uni2+  Nrsym Redun  Rsym Rmeas  Rpim  Chi2
 1 12.46 3.45  43890   6634  50524 558  51082  98.9 98.9   25  3670  47652 12.98 0.069 0.072 0.020 26.23
 2 15.78 2.74  41908   8818  50726   0  50726 100.0 99.5    2  3491  47178 13.51 0.091 0.094 0.025 37.48
 3 18.14 2.39  41283   9627  50910   2  50912 100.0 99.6    0  3454  47538 13.76 0.119 0.124 0.033 44.75
 4 20.04 2.17  40534  10578  51112   0  51112 100.0 99.7    0  3436  47429 13.80 0.112 0.116 0.031 32.64
 5 21.66 2.02  39514  11474  50988   0  50988 100.0 99.8    0  3411  46840 13.73 0.117 0.122 0.033 28.14
 6 23.09 1.90  38439  12269  50708   0  50708 100.0 99.8    0  3374  46124 13.67 0.131 0.136 0.037 24.37
 7 24.39 1.80  37947  12947  50894   0  50894 100.0 99.8    0  3377  45920 13.60 0.147 0.152 0.041 19.05
 8 25.57 1.72  37525  13769  51294   0  51294 100.0 99.9    0  3394  45886 13.52 0.167 0.174 0.047 20.35
 9 26.68 1.66  36422  14280  50702   0  50702 100.0 99.9    0  3347  44911 13.42 0.188 0.195 0.053 21.53
10 27.71 1.60  26931  24007  50938   0  50938 100.0 99.9    0  3360  33625 10.01 0.211 0.223 0.070 15.88
   27.71 1.60 384393 124403 508796 560 509356  99.9 99.9   27 34314 453103 13.20 0.098 0.102 0.028 27.47

Print the ratio between the intensity of each reflection divided by the average intensity of the group of corresponding equivalent reflections.
Any> icrscale 5
Any> icr

LoadColour horizontal: datalimit frame 0.837 370.208. plotlimit frame 0.837 370.208.
Red dots: non-weak reflections, Blue dots: weak reflections
image scaling will probably have some effect.
Any> plot shifthor
horizontal: datalimit frame 0.837 370.208. plotlimit frame 0.837 370.208.
vertical: datalimit shifthor -0.756 0.605. plotlimit shifthor -0.756 0.605.
420395 points
The horizontal shift as function of the the frame number. The shifts vary between -0.3 and +0.3 mm (i.e. ± 3 pixels).

Write the final impacts to a file. The difference between observed and expected position can be used for a further refinement. pkrestfrac will be used to filter out all reflections which lie mostly within one frame.
Any> pkrestfrac 0.2
Any> pk

Created final.pk allow=453132 shifted=420395 2dim=328547 3dim=91848. 420395 lines written. Closed final.pk
Any> exit
any ended at 25-Nov-2010 21:33:41 CPU time used 00:01:10
ic> cd -


diamond> peakref
peakref (version 1.3 2010112400) started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 21:33:41
Do a postrefinement and calculate sigma's in the cell parameters

Read the orientation matrix.
Peakref> rmat ic

RMAT 1 ic
               RMAT                                     DMAT
  -0.0044853  -0.0149614   0.0028971      -14.9281244 -43.8460999  34.3934746
  -0.0131739  -0.0016492  -0.0042951      -49.7948074  -5.4893670 -28.6107864
   0.0103339  -0.0085963  -0.0042181       64.9072723 -96.2312393 -94.5056610
Determinant:  0.2007317E-05                             498177.4
Cell: 57.69090 57.69084 149.68208 89.9994 89.9997 89.9999 V= 498177.41
Sigma 0.0408 0.0209 0.0406 0.014 0.014 0.035 Volume 158.84
Bravais=P pg=4/m
rotaxis 0.60687 -0.67112 0.42579 rotang 173.04532
Matrix 1 initial orx and ory shift set to 0.00426
The pointgroup is still set to 4/m. We don't have to change this into 4/mmm because the constraints will be the same.

Load the refined reflection positions from eval15.
Peakref> pk ic/final

FocusType changed to synchrotron 91848 hkl records 328547 hkl2 records ReadPkData: 423722 lines from ic/final.pk
420395 reflections. one experiment.
detzero: 368 equal records.
detrot: 368 equal records.
n1=91848 n2=328547
final residue = +1.0*mmAng +1.0*rotpartial
resfactor 0 1 1 0 0 0
Peakref> status
Reind: No indexing of hkl data.
SetMM 1.0: one out of position. SetWeak 0.0: 43 weak. 420395 reflections (420351 allowed)
Calculating initial residues.
Rmat 1 setting constraints to tetragonal.
Fixing xtalz
One matrix. 420395 reflections. (forbidden mm:1 weak:43 total:44)
Used: 420351 mm 91845 rot
          ref   current  previous   change   initial   change   shift
a          No  57.69087                     57.69090          0.28845
b         Con  57.69087                     57.69084          0.28845
c          No 149.68208                    149.68208          0.74841
alpha     Fix  90.00000                     89.99943          1.00000
beta      Fix  90.00000                     89.99971          1.00000
gamma     Fix  90.00000                     89.99989          1.00000
orx        No   0.60687                      0.60687          0.00426
ory        No  -0.67112                     -0.67112          0.00426
ora        No 173.04532                    173.04532          1.00000
xtalx      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtaly      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtalz     Fix   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerodist   No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerohor   Yes   0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000  0.00000 0.10000
zerover   Yes   0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000  0.00000 0.10000
detrotx    No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.20000
detroty    No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.20000
detrotz    No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.20000
Vol           498177.31 498177.34    -0.03 498177.34    -0.03  420351
mm              0.11102   0.11092  0.00009   0.11092  0.00009  420351
mmAng       +   0.05488   0.05483  0.00005   0.05483  0.00005  420351
rotpartial  +   0.04904   0.04906 -0.00002   0.04906 -0.00002   91845
rotoutside      0.12553   0.12527  0.00026   0.12527  0.00026       6
rotinside       0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000  0.00000  328500
rotall          0.01072   0.01072 -0.00000   0.01072 -0.00000  420351
res             0.10392   0.10389  0.00003   0.10389  0.00003

Refine the detector position
Peakref> go3

Refining 2 parameters: 24 evaluations in 12 iterations. residue 0.08024 ====
Refining 2 parameters: 12 evaluations in 6 iterations. residue 0.08025
Refining 2 parameters: no evaluations in no iterations. residue 0.08025
One matrix. 420395 reflections. (forbidden mm:1 weak:43 total:44)
Used: 420351 mm 91845 rot
          ref   current  previous   change   initial   change   shift
a          No  57.69087                     57.69090          0.28845
b         Con  57.69087                     57.69084          0.28845
c          No 149.68208                    149.68208          0.74841
alpha     Fix  90.00000                     89.99943          1.00000
beta      Fix  90.00000                     89.99971          1.00000
gamma     Fix  90.00000                     89.99989          1.00000
orx        No   0.60687                      0.60687          0.00426
ory        No  -0.67112                     -0.67112          0.00426
ora        No 173.04532                    173.04532          1.00000
xtalx      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtaly      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtalz     Fix   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerodist   No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerohor   Yes   0.06692   0.00000  0.06692   0.00000  0.06692 0.10000
zerover   Yes   0.05692   0.00000  0.05692   0.00000  0.05692 0.10000
detrotx    No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.20000
detroty    No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.20000
detrotz    No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.20000
Vol           498177.31 498177.31     0.00 498177.34    -0.03  420351
mm              0.06313   0.11102 -0.04788   0.11092 -0.04779  420351
mmAng       +   0.03121   0.05488 -0.02367   0.05483 -0.02363  420351
rotpartial  +   0.04904   0.04904  0.00000   0.04906 -0.00002   91845
rotoutside      0.12553   0.12553  0.00000   0.12527  0.00026       6
rotinside       0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000  0.00000  328500
rotall          0.01072   0.01072  0.00000   0.01072 -0.00000  420351
res             0.08025   0.10392 -0.02367   0.10389 -0.02364
Refine the cell parameters and orientation
Peakref> free rmat
b constrained to [a]. alpha remains fixed. beta remains fixed. gamma remains fixed.
Peakref> go3
Refining 7 parameters: 199 evaluations in 118 iterations. residue 0.07527 ====
Refining 7 parameters: 99 evaluations in 58 iterations. residue 0.07535
Refining 7 parameters: 69 evaluations in 40 iterations. residue 0.07529
One matrix. 420395 reflections. (forbidden mm:1 weak:43 total:44)
Used: 420351 mm 91845 rot
          ref   current  previous   change   initial   change   shift
a         Yes  57.68750  57.69087 -0.00337  57.69090 -0.00340 0.28845
b         Con  57.68750                     57.69084          0.28845
c         Yes 149.69754 149.68208  0.01546 149.68208  0.01546 0.74841
alpha     Fix  90.00000                     89.99943          1.00000
beta      Fix  90.00000                     89.99971          1.00000
gamma     Fix  90.00000                     89.99989          1.00000
orx       Yes   0.60693   0.60687  0.00006   0.60687  0.00006 0.00426
ory       Yes  -0.67102  -0.67112  0.00010  -0.67112  0.00010 0.00426
ora       Yes 173.03310 173.04532 -0.01223 173.04532 -0.01223 1.00000
xtalx      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtaly      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtalz     Fix   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerodist   No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerohor   Yes   0.06011   0.06692 -0.00681   0.00000  0.06011 0.10000
zerover   Yes   0.06229   0.05692  0.00537   0.00000  0.06229 0.10000
detrotx    No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.20000
detroty    No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.20000
detrotz    No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.20000
Vol           498170.63 498177.31    -6.69 498177.34    -6.72  420351
mm              0.06801   0.06313  0.00487   0.11092 -0.04291  420351
mmAng       +   0.03362   0.03121  0.00241   0.05483 -0.02122  420351
rotpartial  +   0.04167   0.04905 -0.00737   0.04906 -0.00739   91845
rotoutside      0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.12527 -0.12527       3
rotinside       0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000  0.00000  328503
rotall          0.00911   0.01072 -0.00161   0.01072 -0.00161  420351
res             0.07529   0.08026 -0.00496   0.10389 -0.02860
Allow the detector to rotate
Peakref> free detrot
Peakref> go3
Refining 10 parameters: 182 evaluations in 113 iterations. residue 0.0748 ====
Refining 10 parameters: 134 evaluations in 81 iterations. residue 0.0748 ====
Refining 10 parameters: 82 evaluations in 49 iterations. residue 0.0748
One matrix. 420395 reflections. (forbidden mm:1 weak:43 total:44)
Used: 420351 mm 91845 rot
          ref   current  previous   change   initial   change   shift
a         Yes  57.68800  57.68750  0.00049  57.69090 -0.00291 0.28845
b         Con  57.68800                     57.69084          0.28845
c         Yes 149.69516 149.69754 -0.00238 149.68208  0.01308 0.74841
alpha     Fix  90.00000                     89.99943          1.00000
beta      Fix  90.00000                     89.99971          1.00000
gamma     Fix  90.00000                     89.99989          1.00000
orx       Yes   0.60695   0.60693  0.00002   0.60687  0.00008 0.00426
ory       Yes  -0.67102  -0.67102  0.00000  -0.67112  0.00011 0.00426
ora       Yes 173.02960 173.03310 -0.00350 173.04532 -0.01572 1.00000
xtalx      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtaly      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtalz     Fix   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerodist   No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerohor   Yes   0.06053   0.06011  0.00042   0.00000  0.06053 0.10000
zerover   Yes   0.06670   0.06229  0.00441   0.00000  0.06670 0.10000
detrotx   Yes   0.00890   0.00000  0.00890   0.00000  0.00890 0.20000
detroty   Yes  -0.00654   0.00000 -0.00654   0.00000 -0.00654 0.20000
detrotz   Yes  -0.00055   0.00000 -0.00055   0.00000 -0.00055 0.20000
Vol           498171.31 498170.63     0.69 498177.34    -6.03  420351
mm              0.06740   0.06801 -0.00061   0.11092 -0.04352  420351
mmAng       +   0.03332   0.03362 -0.00030   0.05483 -0.02152  420351
rotpartial  +   0.04148   0.04167 -0.00019   0.04906 -0.00758   91845
rotoutside      0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.12527 -0.12527       3
rotinside       0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000  0.00000  328503
rotall          0.00906   0.00911 -0.00004   0.01072 -0.00166  420351
res             0.07480   0.07529 -0.00049   0.10389 -0.02909
And also the detector distance
Peakref> free zerodist
Peakref> go3
Refining 11 parameters: 226 evaluations in 140 iterations. residue 0.07535
Refining 11 parameters: 187 evaluations in 119 iterations. residue 0.07518
Refining 11 parameters: 114 evaluations in 71 iterations. residue 0.07512
One matrix. 420395 reflections. (forbidden mm:1 weak:43 total:44)
Used: 420351 mm 91845 rot
          ref   current  previous   change   initial   change   shift
a         Yes  57.68429  57.68800 -0.00370  57.69090 -0.00661 0.28845
b         Con  57.68429                     57.69084          0.28845
c         Yes 149.68896 149.69516 -0.00620 149.68208  0.00688 0.74841
alpha     Fix  90.00000                     89.99943          1.00000
beta      Fix  90.00000                     89.99971          1.00000
gamma     Fix  90.00000                     89.99989          1.00000
orx       Yes   0.60693   0.60695 -0.00002   0.60687  0.00006 0.00426
ory       Yes  -0.67102  -0.67102 -0.00001  -0.67112  0.00010 0.00426
ora       Yes 173.03036 173.02960  0.00076 173.04532 -0.01496 1.00000
xtalx      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtaly      No   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtalz     Fix   0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerodist  Yes  -0.00999   0.00000 -0.00999   0.00000 -0.00999 0.10000
zerohor   Yes   0.05432   0.06053 -0.00621   0.00000  0.05432 0.10000
zerover   Yes   0.06026   0.06670 -0.00644   0.00000  0.06026 0.10000
detrotx   Yes   0.00696   0.00890 -0.00194   0.00000  0.00696 0.20000
detroty   Yes  -0.00445  -0.00654  0.00209   0.00000 -0.00445 0.20000
detrotz   Yes  -0.00256  -0.00055 -0.00202   0.00000 -0.00256 0.20000
Vol           498086.63 498171.31   -84.69 498177.34   -90.72  420351
mm              0.06754   0.06740  0.00014   0.11092 -0.04339  420351
mmAng       +   0.03339   0.03332  0.00007   0.05483 -0.02145  420351
rotpartial  +   0.04173   0.04148  0.00025   0.04906 -0.00733   91845
rotoutside      0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.12527 -0.12527       3
rotinside       0.00000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000  0.00000  328503
rotall          0.00912   0.00906  0.00005   0.01072 -0.00160  420351
res             0.07512   0.07480  0.00032   0.10389 -0.02878
Now compare the original and refined cells
Peakref> 2view
                a       b       c      alpha    beta   gamma    volume
Refined 1  :  57.684  57.684 149.689   90.00   90.00   90.00   498086.6
Original 1 :  57.691  57.691 149.682   90.00   90.00   90.00   498177.4
Volume ratio = 1.0 Trying 32 solutions
Nr Rotangle       Rotvec(xyz)           RotVec(hkl)    ( angle)     RotVec(uvw)    ( angle)     Fom
 1  179.983 -0.4336  0.6430  0.6313   0.00 -0.00 -1.00 (  0.00)   0.00 -0.00 -1.00 (  0.00)   0.000
 2  179.988 -0.8632 -0.0953 -0.4958  -0.00  1.00 -0.00 (  0.02)  -0.00  1.00 -0.00 (  0.02)   0.000
 3  179.992 -0.4274  0.4700 -0.7723  -1.00  1.00 -0.00 (  0.02)  -1.00  1.00 -0.00 (  0.02)   0.000
 4   89.983 -0.4335  0.6430  0.6314   0.00 -0.00 -1.00 (  0.00)   0.00 -0.00 -1.00 (  0.00)   0.000
 5   90.017  0.4337 -0.6430 -0.6313  -0.00 -0.00  1.00 (  0.00)  -0.00 -0.00  1.00 (  0.00)   0.000
 6  179.991 -0.7933 -0.6047  0.0710   1.00  1.00  0.00 (  0.00)   1.00  1.00  0.00 (  0.02)   0.000
 7  179.999 -0.2587 -0.7599  0.5963   1.00  0.00  0.00 (  0.00)   1.00  0.00  0.00 (  0.00)   0.000
 8    0.021  0.8634 -0.4286 -0.2662  -0.11 -1.08  4.00 (  3.81)  -1.97-20.00 11.01 (  0.06)   0.000
The original and refined cells differ a little bit. The final orientation can be expressed as a 0.02 degree rotation around an arbitrary axis.

Save all results. The changes are small, so this is not actually necessary, but these files could be used for reprocessing all the images.
Peakref> saveall

Adding original position(0.09686 -0.02563 -0.51421) to refined detzero.
Adding original angles (0.14892 0.27797 0.35661) to refined detrot.
Enter name [detalign.vic] detalign.vic
WARNING: renaming existing file detalign.vic into detalign.vic.~3~
Created detalign.vic
Enter name [goniostat.vic] goniostat.vic
WARNING: renaming existing file goniostat.vic into goniostat.vic.~1~
Created goniostat.vic
             initial                                    new
  -0.0044853  -0.0149614   0.0028971       -0.0044829  -0.0149643   0.0028967
  -0.0131739  -0.0016492  -0.0042951       -0.0131726  -0.0016536  -0.0042960
   0.0103339  -0.0085963  -0.0042181        0.0103399  -0.0085944  -0.0042170
Determinant:  0.2007317E-05                            0.2007683E-05
Enter name [icr] icr.rmat
Created icr.rmat

Fix all but the cell parameters, end determine sigma's with two methods
Peakref> fix all
Peakref> free cell

b constrained to [a]. alpha remains fixed. beta remains fixed. gamma remains fixed.
Method 1: apply some errors to the observed positions and refine. Repeat this procedure 50 times.
Peakref> sigma = = 50
Calculating sigma's using sigma.
50 cycles of refinement with artificial errors on observed impact positions: f*0.06754 in mm, g*0.04173 rotation in degrees
(f and g a random number between -0.5 and 0.5).
res=0.07511 nref(mm)=420351
               a         c     Volume
refined 57.68429 149.68896 498086.625
sigma    0.00033   0.00361      6.428
420351 reflections. Resolution(d) from 45.69169 to 1.6 Angstrom. Theta from 0.93299 to 27.71021 degrees.
Method 2. Refine parameters against a 10% random subset of the reflections. Repeat this procedure 50 times.
Peakref> sigrnd 0.1 50
Calculating sigma's using sigrnd.
50 cycles of refinement using a random subset (fraction=0.1 n=42039) of all 420395 reflections.
res=0.07511 nref(mm)=420351
               a         c     Volume
refined 57.68429 149.68896 498086.625
sigma    0.00026   0.00299      7.000
420351 reflections. Resolution(d) from 45.69169 to 1.6 Angstrom. Theta from 0.93299 to 27.71021 degrees.
Peakref> exit
peakref ended at 25-Nov-2010 21:47:10 CPU time used 00:13:29


diamond> cd ic
ic> any
any (version 1.5 2010111000) started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 21:47:10
Appending to any.log
Any> read final
y-data from final.y
465397 reflections nPg=8 (h,k,l) (k,-h,l) (-h,-k,l) (-k,h,l) (-h,-k,-l) (-k,h,-l) (h,k,-l) (k,-h,-l)
Start mdian2 on 465397 reflections mdian2 stopped after 101 passes median=31956.0 presentationscale=0.0000626
Calculating Extremes
Cannot calculate icr for reflection 54. (total 1853 icr's failed)
69 too negative reflections (allowed) 34626 weak reflections (allowed)
Status for final.y
               RMAT                                     DMAT
  -0.0044853  -0.0149614   0.0028971      -14.9281244 -43.8460999  34.3934746
  -0.0131739  -0.0016492  -0.0042951      -49.7948074  -5.4893670 -28.6107864
   0.0103339  -0.0085963  -0.0042181       64.9072723 -96.2312393 -94.5056610
Determinant:  0.2007317E-05                             498177.4
Cell: 57.69090 57.69084 149.68208 89.9994 89.9997 89.9999 V= 498177.41
Sigma 0.0408 0.0209 0.0406 0.014 0.014 0.035 Volume 158.84
Bravais=P pg=4/m
Lambda=1.488 pointgroup=4/m
reflections=465397 unique=64247 weak=34626 negative=69
Unique: H from -36 to 0 K from -25 to 24 L from -93 to 0
Full Sphere: H from -36 to 36 K from -36 to 36 L from -93 to 93
Max equivalents 11 datalimit theta 0.8544 27.7102. datalimit reso 1.6 49.894. datalimit chi 0.0 78.1585.
datalimit psi -153.2682 153.0809.
datalimit intensity -108.0624 16449.5723. datalimit duration 1.0 5.0.
one Experiment 368 Sets 369 Images
presentationscale 0.0000626
Require: NONE
Rsym=0.097 Rmeas=0.105 Rpim=0.039 Chi2=28.511 nRsym=453087 Unique1=45 Unique2+=64113
<I>=194.609 <s>=4.871 <I/s>=27.387 <I>/<s>=39.95 nMean=453132
Create a summary of reflections 'flags'
Any> flagall
Ecmaxflag=23 maxcode=16777215
Flags for all reflections
Good 419896 Not Good 45501 (Weak 34626 Not Weak 10875) Total: 465397
  Total  Percent NonWeak  Percent
 419896   90.223  419896   97.475 GOOD
  34626    7.440                  WEAK
    373    0.080     240    0.056 EDGEVER
     44    0.009      33    0.008 EDGEHOR
    337    0.072     294    0.068 EDGEROT
     27    0.006      16    0.004 BIGHOR
     69    0.015      69    0.016 NEGATIVE
   9595    2.062                  BADUNIF
   2341    0.503    2340    0.543 OVERFLOW

Get a table of intensity statistics.
Any> list intensity

Intensity distribution for Shells
Require: NONE
Sh Theta Reso     n1    <I> <sig> <I>/<sig> <I/sig>
 1 12.46 3.45  47677 668.58 13.70   48.82    45.01
 2 15.78 2.74  47180 427.52  9.08   47.07    41.12
 3 18.14 2.39  47538 213.15  4.94   43.14    35.74
 4 20.04 2.17  47429 174.02  4.28   40.66    33.18
 5 21.66 2.02  46840 133.71  3.60   37.13    29.25
 6 23.09 1.90  46124  95.88  2.97   32.28    25.35
 7 24.39 1.80  45920  60.02  2.39   25.09    19.69
 8 25.57 1.72  45886  43.86  2.22   19.78    15.95
 9 26.68 1.66  44909  32.52  2.16   15.07    12.35
10 27.71 1.60  33629  24.88  2.19   11.34     9.54
   27.71 1.60 453132 194.58  4.87   39.94    27.39

Save the reflections for sadabs. Include the too-strong reflections.
Any> allow overflow

Require: NONE

Sadabs will establish an error model for the dataset. So do not modify the sigma's of the intensities. A good value for msa will be calculated by Sadabs. In principle I would use msa 0.0, but a bug in sadabs will reject reflections with I/sigma > 1000, so use a small value for now.
Any> msa 0.001

69 too negative reflections (allowed) 34619 weak reflections (allowed)
Any> sadabs
msa = 0.001. Sadabs likes to have it zero. Continuing... Created shelx.sad Created shelx.par Created shelx.any
cell 1 written as target with id 1 Rmat ok
minI -262822.0 maxI 262831264.0 minSigI 486.0 Maximum intensity (262831264.0) scaled to 9999999.0 with scale factor 0.03805
455469 lines written.
Any> exit
Closed shelx.sad
any ended at 25-Nov-2010 21:48:07 CPU time used 00:00:53
ic> cd -


diamond> cd ic
ic> sadabs
 SADABS-2008/1 - Bruker AXS area detector scaling and absorption correction
 Note that all questions except those asking for a filename etc. may be
 answered by "Q" to force SADABS to terminate immediately.
Expert mode (Y or N) [N]: n
Enter listing filename [sad.abs]: sad.abs
 Laue group numbers:
 [1] -1                           [8] -3m (rhombohedral axes)
 [2] 2/m (Y unique)               [9] -31m (Z unique)
 [3] mmm                          [10] -3m1 (Z unique)
 [4] 4/m (Z unique)               [11] 6/m (Z unique)
 [5] 4/mmm (Z unique)             [12] 6/mmm (Z unique)
 [6] -3 (rhombohedral axes)       [13] m3
 [7] -3 (Z unique)                [14] m3m
 [0] to write list of equivalent indices for Laue/point groups to listing file
Enter Laue group number [2]: 5
 Equivalent reflections defined by point group 4/mmm  for scaling
 Equivalent reflections defined by point group 4/mmm  for error model
 Read reflection files written by EVALCCD (with extension .sad specified) or
 by SAINT (extension .raw, default if no extension, or .ram for incommensurate
 structures).  It is important that all files are from the same crystal and
 that reflections have been indexed consistently, i.e. that the orientation
 matrices are similar (no rows with signs reversed)!  Note that XPREP can
 reindex a .raw or .sad file transforming the direction cosines.  It is also
 possible to read in a .mul file from the integration of a twinned crystal
 and select just one twin domain for processing using the SAINT partitioning.
Enter filename (/ if no more) [ ]: shelx.sad
Enter filename (/ if no more) [ ]: /
 Mean and maximum errors in direction cosine check function =   0.000   0.000
 The mean error should not exceed 0.005, and is usually caused by matrix
 changes during data processing.
 Approximate wavelength, cell and maximum 2-theta (from cosines etc.):
 1.48826   57.702   57.702  149.710   89.999   90.000   90.000   55.50
 PART 1 - Refinement of parameters to model systematic errors
Restraint esd for equal consecutive scale factors [0.020]: 0.005
Apply angle of incidence correction (Y or N) [N]: n
Number of refinement cycles [25]: 25
Detector (D) or crystal (C) coordinates for spherical harmonics [C]: c
 Weak (W), moderate (M) or strong (S) empirical corrections or face-indexed
numerical absorption correction (N) [M]: m
  434653 Reflections employed for parameter determination
 Effective data to parameter ratio =  983.02
 wR2(int) =  0.1238 (selected reflections only, before parameter refinement)
 Cycle  wR2(incid)  wR2(diffr)  Mean wt.
    1     0.1117      0.1014     0.8228
    2     0.0985      0.0959     0.8462
    3     0.0943      0.0931     0.8558
    4     0.0920      0.0913     0.8615
    5     0.0905      0.0902     0.8653
    6     0.0895      0.0894     0.8678
    7     0.0889      0.0889     0.8695
    8     0.0885      0.0886     0.8706
    9     0.0882      0.0884     0.8714
   10     0.0880      0.0882     0.8719
   11     0.0879      0.0881     0.8723
   12     0.0878      0.0881     0.8726
   13     0.0878      0.0880     0.8728
   14     0.0877      0.0880     0.8729
   15     0.0877      0.0880     0.8730
   16     0.0877      0.0879     0.8731
   17     0.0877      0.0879     0.8732
   18     0.0877      0.0879     0.8732
   19     0.0877      0.0879     0.8733
   20     0.0877      0.0879     0.8733
   21     0.0877      0.0879     0.8733
   22     0.0877      0.0879     0.8733
   23     0.0877      0.0879     0.8733
   24     0.0877      0.0879     0.8734
   25     0.0876      0.0879     0.8734
 wR2(int) =  0.0879 (selected reflections only, after parameter refinement)
Repeat parameter refinement (R) or accept (A) [A]: a
 PART 2 - Reject outliers and establish error model
 Rejected reflections are ignored in the statistics and Postscript plots
 (except the detector diagnostics) and in the output .hkl file
 Before applying rejections there are:
  455469 total and  34400 unique reflections assuming Friedel's law.
  426658 total and  34396 unique reflections left after |I-<I>|/su test
 g = 0.0462  gives best error model.
Enter new value for g or <CR> to accept: <Enter>
  Run 2-theta  R(int)  Incid. factors  Diffr. factors    K     Total I>2sig(I)
    1    0.0  0.0549   0.602 - 1.033   0.805 - 1.303   1.518  426658  393438
 su = K * Sqrt[ sigma^2(I) + (g<I>)^2.00 ]  where sigma(I) is from EVALCCD
 The above statistics are based on all non-rejected data, ignoring
 reflections without equivalents when estimating R(int) and K.
Repeat parameter refinement (P) or accept (A) [A]: a
 PART 3 - Output Postscript diagnostics and corrected data
Write Postscript diagnostic file (Y or N) [Y]: y
Enter name of Postscript file [sad.eps]: sad.eps
Short (<21 chars) title for Postscript plots [Test]: diamond
 Repeat (R), write unmerged .hkl (W), merged .hkl (M), .sca (S), XD format (D),
modulated .hk6 (J), testxtl.dat (BioXhit) (T) or quit (Q) [W]: w
Reflection output file [sad.hkl]: sad.hkl
Lambda/0 correction factor [0]: 0
  426658 Corrected reflections written to file sad.hkl
 Estimated minimum and maximum transmission:  0.4597  0.7456
 The ratio of these values is more reliable than their absolute values!
 Repeat (R), write unmerged .hkl (W), merged .hkl (M), .sca (S), XD format (D),
modulated .hk6 (J), testxtl.dat (BioXhit) (T) or quit (Q) [Q]: q
ic> cd -


diamond> cd ic
Sadabs has created a file sad.eps. sad2png will convert this file into a set of png files, which can be included in this html page.
ic> sad2png sad.eps shellscript-3
shellscript 00.png shellscript 01.png shellscript 02.png shellscript 03.png
Note the 4 blue areas at the corners of the detector modules in the spatial distribution plot.
ic> cd -


diamond> cd ic
ic> any
any (version 1.5 2010111000) started on bekken at 25-Nov-2010 21:48:46
Appending to any.log
And now some statistics

Read the resulting reflection file created by SadAbs. First read a small eval15 output file. This will initialize some parameters (wavelength, cell parameters.....)
Any> read s01f001

y-data from s01f001.y
1264 reflections nPg=8 (h,k,l) (k,-h,l) (-h,-k,l) (-k,h,l) (-h,-k,-l) (-k,h,-l) (h,k,-l) (k,-h,-l)
Start mdian2 on 1264 reflections median=32160.002 presentationscale=0.0000622
Calculating Extremes
Cannot calculate icr for reflection 1. (total 223 icr's failed)
102 weak reflections (allowed)
Status for s01f001.y
               RMAT                                     DMAT
  -0.0044853  -0.0149614   0.0028971      -14.9281244 -43.8460999  34.3934746
  -0.0131739  -0.0016492  -0.0042951      -49.7948074  -5.4893670 -28.6107864
   0.0103339  -0.0085963  -0.0042181       64.9072723 -96.2312393 -94.5056610
Determinant:  0.2007317E-05                             498177.4
Cell: 57.69090 57.69084 149.68208 89.9994 89.9997 89.9999 V= 498177.41
Sigma 0.0408 0.0209 0.0406 0.014 0.014 0.035 Volume 158.84
Bravais=P pg=4/m
Lambda=1.488 pointgroup=4/m
reflections=1264 unique=1261 weak=102
Unique: H from -35 to 0 K from -25 to 24 L from -93 to 0
Full Sphere: H from -36 to 36 K from -36 to 36 L from -93 to 93
Max equivalents 2 datalimit theta 2.9599 27.7016. datalimit reso 1.6005 14.4081. datalimit chi 0.0364 71.9695.
datalimit psi -144.8713 149.0528.
datalimit intensity -2.0244 5594.459. datalimit duration 1.004 4.998.
one Experiment one Set one Image
presentationscale 0.0000622
Require: NONE
Rsym=0.034 Rmeas=0.048 Rpim=0.034 Chi2=2.002 nRsym=4 Unique1=1042 Unique2+=2
<I>=201.849 <s>=4.994 <I/s>=27.753 <I>/<s>=40.421 nMean=1046
and set the pointgroup
Any> pg 4/mmm
pointgroup set to 4/mmm
Calculating Extremes
Cannot calculate icr for reflection 1. (total 222 icr's failed)
nPg=16 (h,k,l) (k,-h,l) (-h,-k,l) (-k,h,l) (h,-k,-l) (-k,-h,-l) (-h,k,-l) (k,h,-l) (-h,-k,-l) (-k,h,-l) (h,k,-l) (k,-h,-l)
(-h,k,l) (k,h,l) (h,-k,l) (-k,-h,l)
Then read the actual scaled hkl file:
Any> readhkl sad.hkl
Using current rmat and wavelength Lambda=1.488
               RMAT                                     DMAT
  -0.0044853  -0.0149614   0.0028971      -14.9281244 -43.8460999  34.3934746
  -0.0131739  -0.0016492  -0.0042951      -49.7948074  -5.4893670 -28.6107864
   0.0103339  -0.0085963  -0.0042181       64.9072723 -96.2312393 -94.5056610
Determinant:  0.2007317E-05                             498177.4
Cell: 57.69090 57.69084 149.68208 89.9994 89.9997 89.9999 V= 498177.41
Sigma 0.0408 0.0209 0.0406 0.014 0.014 0.035 Volume 158.84
Bravais=P pg=4/mmm
hkl-data from sad.hkl
Opened sad.hkl 426658 reflections
Start mdian2 on 426658 reflections median=3.591 presentationscale=0.5568936
Calculating Extremes
Cannot calculate icr for reflection 760. (total 805 icr's failed)
38085 weak reflections (allowed)
Status for sad.hkl
               RMAT                                     DMAT
  -0.0044853  -0.0149614   0.0028971      -14.9281244 -43.8460999  34.3934746
  -0.0131739  -0.0016492  -0.0042951      -49.7948074  -5.4893670 -28.6107864
   0.0103339  -0.0085963  -0.0042181       64.9072723 -96.2312393 -94.5056610
Determinant:  0.2007317E-05                             498177.4
Cell: 57.69090 57.69084 149.68208 89.9994 89.9997 89.9999 V= 498177.41
Sigma 0.0408 0.0209 0.0406 0.014 0.014 0.035 Volume 158.84
Bravais=P pg=4/mmm
Lambda=1.488 pointgroup=4/mmm
reflections=426658 unique=34396 weak=38085
Unique: H from -36 to 0 K from -25 to 0 L from -93 to 0
Full Sphere: H from -36 to 36 K from -36 to 36 L from -93 to 93
Max equivalents 19 datalimit theta 0.8544 27.7102. datalimit reso 1.6 49.894.
datalimit intensity -2.2917 5568.9312.
one Experiment one Set
presentationscale 0.5568936
Selectable: GOOD WEAK
Allow: ALL
Require: NONE
Rsym=0.055 Rmeas=0.057 Rpim=0.016 Chi2=1.012 nRsym=426647 Unique1=11 Unique2+=34385
<I>=72.161 <s>=5.412 <I/s>=10.236 <I>/<s>=13.333 nMean=426658
Intensity statistics
Any> list intensity
Intensity distribution for Shells
Allow: ALL
Require: NONE
Sh Theta Reso     n1    <I> <sig> <I>/<sig> <I/sig>
 1 12.46 3.45  47046 260.51 18.35   14.20    13.79
 2 15.78 2.74  42854 154.05 10.94   14.08    13.27
 3 18.14 2.39  41557  77.22  5.60   13.78    12.40
 4 20.04 2.17  44585  62.39  4.61   13.54    12.00
 5 21.66 2.02  44412  47.78  3.64   13.13    11.18
 6 23.09 1.90  43879  33.88  2.73   12.43    10.31
 7 24.39 1.80  43949  20.94  1.91   10.98     8.78
 8 25.57 1.72  43821  15.11  1.59    9.51     7.60
 9 26.68 1.66  42760  11.13  1.42    7.85     6.29
10 27.71 1.60  31795   8.57  1.37    6.24     5.10
   27.71 1.60 426658  72.15  5.41   13.33    10.24
Diffraction up to above 1.6 Å

Completeness and redundancy
Any> rshell

Completeness and Rmerge for Shells
Allow: ALL
Require: NONE
Sh Theta Reso   Meas   Equi    Obs Mis  Total  Perc   Cum Uni1 Uni2+  Nrsym Redun  Rsym Rmeas  Rpim Chi2
 1 12.46 3.45  43697   7365  51062  20  51082 100.0 100.0    3  3748  47043 12.55 0.049 0.051 0.014 0.89
 2 15.78 2.74  38703  12023  50726   0  50726 100.0 100.0    2  3491  42852 12.27 0.052 0.054 0.015 1.10
 3 18.14 2.39  36825  14085  50910   2  50912 100.0 100.0    2  3452  41555 12.04 0.060 0.062 0.018 1.25
 4 20.04 2.17  38628  12468  51096  16  51112 100.0 100.0    1  3434  44584 12.98 0.054 0.056 0.015 1.05
 5 21.66 2.02  37945  13043  50988   0  50988 100.0 100.0    0  3411  44412 13.02 0.055 0.057 0.016 0.99
 6 23.09 1.90  37019  13689  50708   0  50708 100.0 100.0    0  3374  43879 13.01 0.060 0.062 0.017 1.00
 7 24.39 1.80  36685  14209  50894   0  50894 100.0 100.0    0  3377  43949 13.01 0.070 0.073 0.020 0.98
 8 25.57 1.72  36253  15041  51294   0  51294 100.0 100.0    0  3394  43821 12.91 0.082 0.086 0.024 0.97
 9 26.68 1.66  35099  15603  50702   0  50702 100.0 100.0    0  3347  42762 12.78 0.099 0.103 0.029 0.95
10 27.71 1.60  25816  25114  50930   8  50938 100.0 100.0    3  3356  31788  9.47 0.121 0.128 0.041 0.94
   27.71 1.60 366670 142640 509310  46 509356 100.0 100.0   11 34384 426645 12.41 0.055 0.057 0.016 1.01
Any> exit
any ended at 25-Nov-2010 21:48:52 CPU time used 00:00:06
ic> cd -
29-Nov-2010 16:48:35