
peakref (version 1.3 2007090500) started on fagot at 19-Sep-2007 21:35:40
Peakref> rmat i1
RMAT 1 i1
               RMAT                                     DMAT
  -0.0150440   0.0024481   0.0035606      -58.5819511  -4.1698394 -19.8031235
  -0.0020196   0.0070866  -0.0046011        3.4210632  88.8299637 -41.4602890
  -0.0055684  -0.0087342  -0.0095642       30.9829845 -78.6933899 -55.1646538
Determinant:  0.1842967E-05                             542603.4
Cell: 61.97900 98.08884 100.97393 117.6556 93.6139 87.6411 V= 542603.38
Sigma 0.2047 0.6359 0.5404 0.094 0.189 0.202 Volume 470.81
Bravais=P pg=-1
rotaxis -0.00173 -0.97637 0.21611 rotang -160.94333
Matrix 1 initial orx and ory shift set to 0.00216
Peakref> pk i1
ReadPkData: 965 lines from
805 reflections. 17 experiments.
Peakref> status
Reind: no reflections changed indices. matrix 1: 805 reflections.
SetMM 1.0: 303 out of position. 805 reflections (502 allowed)
Calculating initial residues.
Rmat 1 setting constraints to triclinic.
Fixing xtalz
One matrix. 805 reflections. (forbidden mm:303 total:303) Used: 502 mm 502 rot
         ref    current  previous  change    initial  change   shift
a         No   61.97900                     61.97900         0.30989
b         No   98.08884                     98.08884         0.49044
c         No  100.97393                    100.97393         0.50487
alpha     No  117.65560                    117.65560         1.00000
beta      No   93.61387                     93.61387         1.00000
gamma     No   87.64109                     87.64109         1.00000
orx       No   -0.00173                     -0.00173         0.00216
ory       No   -0.97637                     -0.97637         0.00216
ora       No -160.94333                   -160.94333         1.00000
zerodist  No    0.00000                      0.00000         0.10000
zerohor  Yes    0.00000   0.00000 0.00000    0.00000 0.00000 0.10000
zerover  Yes    0.00000   0.00000 0.00000    0.00000 0.00000 0.10000
xtalx     No    0.00000                      0.00000         0.10000
xtaly     No    0.00000                      0.00000         0.10000
xtalz    Fix    0.00000                      0.00000         0.10000
Vol           542603.50 542603.50    0.00  542603.50    0.00
resmm           0.53763   0.53763 0.00000    0.53763 0.00000     502
resrot          0.00721   0.00721 0.00000    0.00721 0.00000     502
res             0.54484   0.54484 0.00000    0.54484 0.00000
Note the bad residue
Peakref> go3
Refining 2 parameters
14 iterations. residue 0.38911 ====
Refining 2 parameters
one iteration. residue 0.38909 ====
Refining 2 parameters
no iterations. residue 0.38909
One matrix. 805 reflections. (forbidden mm:303 total:303) Used: 502 mm 502 rot
         ref    current  previous  change    initial   change   shift
a         No   61.97900                     61.97900          0.30989
b         No   98.08884                     98.08884          0.49044
c         No  100.97393                    100.97393          0.50487
alpha     No  117.65560                    117.65560          1.00000
beta      No   93.61387                     93.61387          1.00000
gamma     No   87.64109                     87.64109          1.00000
orx       No   -0.00173                     -0.00173          0.00216
ory       No   -0.97637                     -0.97637          0.00216
ora       No -160.94333                   -160.94333          1.00000
zerodist  No    0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerohor  Yes    0.02232   0.02232 0.00000    0.00000  0.02232 0.10000
zerover  Yes    0.48558   0.48558 0.00000    0.00000  0.48558 0.10000
xtalx     No    0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtaly     No    0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtalz    Fix    0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
Vol           542603.50 542603.50    0.00  542603.50     0.00
resmm           0.38188   0.38188 0.00000    0.53763 -0.15575     502
resrot          0.00721   0.00721 0.00000    0.00721  0.00000     502
res             0.38909   0.38909 0.00000    0.54484 -0.15575
Residue improved, but not good enough:
Peakref> free rmat
Peakref> go3
Refining 11 parameters Amoeba exceeding maximum(500) iterations.
500 iterations. residue 0.10288 ====
Refining 11 parameters
458 iterations. residue 0.06885 ====
Refining 11 parameters Amoeba exceeding maximum(500) iterations.
500 iterations. residue 0.05709 ====
One matrix. 805 reflections. (forbidden mm:303 total:303) Used: 502 mm 502 rot
         ref    current   previous   change    initial   change   shift
a        Yes   59.10359   58.59214  0.51145   61.97900 -2.87541 0.30989
b        Yes  102.76154  102.42461  0.33692   98.08884  4.67269 0.49044
c        Yes  102.81837  102.75870  0.05967  100.97393  1.84444 0.50487
alpha    Yes  119.96165  119.88969  0.07196  117.65560  2.30605 1.00000
beta     Yes   90.05687   90.36498 -0.30812   93.61387 -3.55701 1.00000
gamma    Yes   89.90788   89.27267  0.63520   87.64109  2.26678 1.00000
orx      Yes   -0.01604   -0.01917  0.00312   -0.00173 -0.01431 0.00216
ory      Yes   -0.97637   -0.97645  0.00008   -0.97637 -0.00001 0.00216
ora      Yes -160.34219 -160.25787 -0.08433 -160.94333  0.60114 1.00000
zerodist  No    0.00000                        0.00000          0.10000
zerohor  Yes    0.06376    0.07728 -0.01352    0.00000  0.06376 0.10000
zerover  Yes    1.23560    1.23580 -0.00019    0.00000  1.23560 0.10000
xtalx     No    0.00000                        0.00000          0.10000
xtaly     No    0.00000                        0.00000          0.10000
xtalz    Fix    0.00000                        0.00000          0.10000
Vol           541019.38  534613.25  6406.12  542603.50 -1584.12
resmm           0.05595    0.05684 -0.00089    0.53763 -0.48168     502
resrot          0.00114    0.01201 -0.01087    0.00721 -0.00606     502
res             0.05709    0.06885 -0.01176    0.54484 -0.48775
Bingo. But note the remark Amoeba exceeding maximum(500) iterations. So one more:
Peakref> go3
Refining 11 parameters
124 iterations. residue 0.05706 ====
Refining 11 parameters
103 iterations. residue 0.05714
Refining 11 parameters
68 iterations. residue 0.05719
One matrix. 805 reflections. (forbidden mm:303 total:303) Used: 502 mm 502 rot
         ref    current   previous   change    initial   change   shift
a        Yes   59.12978   59.12638  0.00340   61.97900 -2.84922 0.30989
b        Yes  102.69930  102.70751 -0.00821   98.08884  4.61046 0.49044
c        Yes  102.79929  102.80306 -0.00378  100.97393  1.82536 0.50487
alpha    Yes  119.94190  119.94716 -0.00526  117.65560  2.28630 1.00000
beta     Yes   90.07785   90.06970  0.00815   93.61387 -3.53602 1.00000
gamma    Yes   89.88083   89.88644 -0.00561   87.64109  2.23974 1.00000
orx      Yes   -0.01577   -0.01579  0.00002   -0.00173 -0.01404 0.00216
ory      Yes   -0.97638   -0.97638  0.00000   -0.97637 -0.00001 0.00216
ora      Yes -160.34637 -160.34589 -0.00049 -160.94333  0.59696 1.00000
zerodist  No    0.00000                        0.00000          0.10000
zerohor  Yes    0.06039    0.05916  0.00123    0.00000  0.06039 0.10000
zerover  Yes    1.22478    1.22616 -0.00138    0.00000  1.22478 0.10000
xtalx     No    0.00000                        0.00000          0.10000
xtaly     No    0.00000                        0.00000          0.10000
xtalz    Fix    0.00000                        0.00000          0.10000
Vol           540938.06  540941.56    -3.50  542603.50 -1665.44
resmm           0.05597    0.05592  0.00004    0.53763 -0.48166     502
resrot          0.00122    0.00122  0.00000    0.00721 -0.00599     502
res             0.05719    0.05714  0.00004    0.54484 -0.48765
The detector has shifted considerably.
Peakref> save detalign.vic
WARNING: renaming existing file detalign.vic into detalign.vic.~1~
Created detalign.vic
Peakref> savermat i1r
             initial                                    new
  -0.0150440   0.0024481   0.0035606       -0.0159201   0.0028016   0.0036124
  -0.0020196   0.0070866  -0.0046011       -0.0007546   0.0065336  -0.0046457
  -0.0055684  -0.0087342  -0.0095642       -0.0056564  -0.0087025  -0.0095599
Determinant:  0.1842967E-05                            0.1848641E-05
Created i1r.rmat
Peakref> exit
peakref ended at 19-Sep-2007 21:35:42 CPU time used 00:00:02