
peakref (version 1.3 2007090500) started on fagot at 19-Sep-2007 22:33:23
Peakref> rmat i1rc
RMAT 1 i1rc
               RMAT                                     DMAT
   0.0008108   0.0036124   0.0159201      -10.3124132 -93.3804474  41.4821320
  -0.0111793  -0.0046457   0.0007546       33.8558464   9.8645477 -96.6042480
  -0.0008574  -0.0095599   0.0056564       55.6567116   2.5174572  19.8076305
Determinant:  0.1848650E-05                             540935.4
Cell: 102.69869 102.83923 59.12994 90.0411 89.8809 119.9807 V= 540935.38
Bravais=P pg=-3
rotaxis 0.55486 -0.33278 0.76249 rotang -126.1488
Matrix 1 initial orx and ory shift set to 0.00762
Peakref> pk i1
ReadPkData: 965 lines from
805 reflections. 17 experiments.
Peakref> maxmismm 5 maxmisrot 5
Peakref> status
Reind: no reflections changed indices. matrix 1: 805 reflections.
Calculating initial residues.
Rmat 1 setting constraints to trigonal.
Assuming hexagonal setting
Fixing xtalz
One matrix. 805 reflections. Used: 805 mm 805 rot
         ref    current  previous  change    initial  change   shift
a         No  102.76897                    102.69869         0.51349
b        Con  102.76897                    102.83923         0.51420
c         No   59.12994                     59.12994         0.29565
alpha    Fix   90.00000                     90.04110         1.00000
beta     Fix   90.00000                     89.88087         1.00000
gamma    Fix  120.00000                    119.98067         1.00000
orx       No    0.55486                      0.55486         0.00762
ory       No   -0.33278                     -0.33278         0.00762
ora       No -126.14880                   -126.14880         1.00000
zerodist  No    0.00000                      0.00000         0.10000
zerohor  Yes    0.00000   0.00000 0.00000    0.00000 0.00000 0.10000
zerover  Yes    0.00000   0.00000 0.00000    0.00000 0.00000 0.10000
xtalx     No    0.00000                      0.00000         0.10000
xtaly     No    0.00000                      0.00000         0.10000
xtalz    Fix    0.00000                      0.00000         0.10000
Vol           540831.62 540935.19 -103.56  540935.19 -103.56
resmm           1.24409   1.23797 0.00612    1.23797 0.00612     805
resrot          0.00616   0.00134 0.00482    0.00134 0.00482     805
res             1.25025   1.23931 0.01094    1.23931 0.01094
Peakref> go3
Refining 2 parameters
21 iterations. residue 0.10506 ====
Refining 2 parameters
6 iterations. residue 0.10507
Refining 2 parameters
no iterations. residue 0.10507
One matrix. 805 reflections. Used: 805 mm 805 rot
         ref    current  previous  change    initial   change   shift
a         No  102.76897                    102.69869          0.51349
b        Con  102.76897                    102.83923          0.51420
c         No   59.12994                     59.12994          0.29565
alpha    Fix   90.00000                     90.04110          1.00000
beta     Fix   90.00000                     89.88087          1.00000
gamma    Fix  120.00000                    119.98067          1.00000
orx       No    0.55486                      0.55486          0.00762
ory       No   -0.33278                     -0.33278          0.00762
ora       No -126.14880                   -126.14880          1.00000
zerodist  No    0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
zerohor  Yes    0.04970   0.04970 0.00000    0.00000  0.04970 0.10000
zerover  Yes    1.23140   1.23140 0.00000    0.00000  1.23140 0.10000
xtalx     No    0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtaly     No    0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
xtalz    Fix    0.00000                      0.00000          0.10000
Vol           540831.62 540831.62    0.00  540935.19  -103.56
resmm           0.09891   0.09891 0.00000    1.23797 -1.13906     805
resrot          0.00616   0.00616 0.00000    0.00134  0.00482     805
res             0.10507   0.10507 0.00000    1.23931 -1.13424
Peakref> free rmat
b constrained to [a]. alpha remains fixed. beta remains fixed. gamma remains fixed.
Peakref> go3
Refining 7 parameters
79 iterations. residue 0.07107 ====
Refining 7 parameters
54 iterations. residue 0.07092 ====
Refining 7 parameters
31 iterations. residue 0.07097
One matrix. 805 reflections. Used: 805 mm 805 rot
         ref    current   previous   change    initial   change   shift
a        Yes  102.85867  102.85870 -0.00002  102.69869  0.15998 0.51349
b        Con  102.85867                      102.83923          0.51420
c        Yes   59.13782   59.14083 -0.00301   59.12994  0.00788 0.29565
alpha    Fix   90.00000                       90.04110          1.00000
beta     Fix   90.00000                       89.88087          1.00000
gamma    Fix  120.00000                      119.98067          1.00000
orx      Yes    0.55397    0.55400 -0.00003    0.55486 -0.00089 0.00762
ory      Yes   -0.33357   -0.33357  0.00000   -0.33278 -0.00079 0.00762
ora      Yes -126.21416 -126.21481  0.00066 -126.14880 -0.06535 1.00000
zerodist  No    0.00000                        0.00000          0.10000
zerohor  Yes    0.06502    0.06722 -0.00220    0.00000  0.06502 0.10000
zerover  Yes    1.24064    1.24191 -0.00127    0.00000  1.24064 0.10000
xtalx     No    0.00000                        0.00000          0.10000
xtaly     No    0.00000                        0.00000          0.10000
xtalz    Fix    0.00000                        0.00000          0.10000
Vol           541848.44  541876.31   -27.88  540935.19   913.25
resmm           0.06992    0.06986  0.00006    1.23797 -1.16805     805
resrot          0.00105    0.00106 -0.00001    0.00134 -0.00029     805
res             0.07097    0.07092  0.00004    1.23931 -1.16834
Peakref> save detalign.vic
WARNING: renaming existing file detalign.vic into detalign.vic.~2~
Created detalign.vic
Peakref> savermat first
             initial                                    new
   0.0008108   0.0036124   0.0159201        0.0008068   0.0036088   0.0159178
  -0.0111793  -0.0046457   0.0007546       -0.0111638  -0.0046453   0.0007132
  -0.0008574  -0.0095599   0.0056564       -0.0008619  -0.0095615   0.0056614
Determinant:  0.1848650E-05                            0.1845535E-05
Created first.rmat
Peakref> exit
peakref ended at 19-Sep-2007 22:33:24 CPU time used 00:00:01