Peakref glossary

Legenda: this is a vector, this is a matrix.

Axes Systems

All axes systems units are in mm.

Laboratory System

The laboratory system has its origin on the crystal.

Crystal system

The crystal shifts are defined in an axis system on the goniometer head, before mounting the head on the goniostat. Put the goniometerhead in front of you on a table. Then The goniometerhead system coincides with the laboratory system when mounted on an (euler) goniostat with all angles zero.

Detector System

Points on the detector are defined in a two-dimensional axis system. The origin is at the centre of the detector. When viewed from the crystal, positive horizontal points right, positive vertical points up.
To transform a point on the dector to the laboratory system:

Calculated Impact

Impact type records do not contain reflection indices, but only impact positions horobs, verobs and rotobs. The impact positions are converted to a diffraction vector cobs (using goniostat and detector parameters). Reflection indices h,k,l are calculated using:
h = D·cobs where D = R-1
The reflection indices h,k,l of the vector h are rounded to the nearest integer, and a diffraction vector ccalc is calculated using:
ccalc = R·h

Using the goniostat and detector parameters, the orientation matrix and the reflection indices h,k,l, an impact position (horcalc, vercalc and rotcalc) is calculated.


The distance in mm between the calculated and observed horizontal impact position.

delhor = abs(horobs−horcalc)


The distance in mm between the calculated and observed vertical impact position.

delver = abs(verobs−vercalc)


The distance in mm between the calculated and observed impact position.

delmm = √( delhor² + delver² )


The difference in degrees between the calculated (rotcalc) and observed (rotobs) rotation value. (the result is a value between -π and π)


number of free variables. These are the free variables which depend on the reflections of orientation matrix i. You may set this number to zero using freedom off.
number of allowed reflections of orientation matrix i.


The rotation end value of the image.


The rotation start value of the image.
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