Eval15 Process Variables

eval15 contains a lot of variables. A subset of these variables are called Process Variables. They are essential for the (batch) processing of data. Other variables control window layout, animation etc..
name description
abort Do/DoNot abort on warnings
adcnoise set background noise
animo set anisotropic mosaicity
anivec set anisotropic vector
autorestore reset parameters before new reflection
collimator set collimator diameter
cutoff sets size of (main and) neighbour reflections
delay wait between successive c-vectors
dist set detector distance
edgefraction set edge threshold
fibre Do/DoNot use fibre
fibreaxis set fibre axis
fomtype set minimization function
gain set detector gain
incidencecoefficient set incidencecoefficient
isigrefine set minimum i/sigma for refinement
lambdatype set lambda sample function
latt set amount of lattice distorion
latthigh upper limit of lattice distorion
lattlow low limit of lattice distorion
latttype set distribution of lattice distortion impacts
lattvec set lattice distortion direction
longdelay wait after incomplete reflection
lsqtype set Least-Squares method
mica set mica expansion
micahigh set upper limit on mica distribution
micalow set lower limit on mica distribution
micascale mica expansion depends on hkl
micatype set mica distribution type
micavec set mica vector
model set crystal model
mosaic set isosotropic mosaicity
mosaicadd adds a mosaic to the mosaic spectrum
mosaictype set mosaic distribution type
mosaicweight set weight of a mosaic in the mosaic spectrum
msa how to derive σ from Intensity
nbcommonfraction sets minimum number of impacts to activate a neighbour reflection
nbcovariance sets covariance threshold between main and neighbour reflection
nbsimfraction sets minimum fraction of simulated hits for accepting neighbour reflections
nbtype handle neighbour reflections
nbvolume sets minimum volume for accepting neighbour intensities
ndiv set nr of refine repeats
nmosaic set number of mosaic vectors
pointspreadgamma sets gamma for pointspreadtype=lorentz
pointspreadmoment when to apply pointspread
pointspreadthreshold controlls the extent of the pointspread
pointspreadtype sets pointspreadtype
refinetol set refinement tolerance
reject set pixel reject threshold
responsfraction set maximum fraction of badrespons impacts
savemeanshift save average shifts for each boxfile
shiftrestfracmin minimum threshold for average shifts
simulate set number of simulation points
splitshift interfering rmats have their own shift
svdtol tolerance for Singular Value Decomposition
swing set detector swing angle
xa xtal dimension
xb xtal dimension
xc xtal dimension
xrotx initial xtal rotation around x-axis
xroty initial xtal rotation around y-axis
xrotz initial xtal rotation around z-axis
xtalscale xtal size scale factor
xtalshift change crystal position
zinger set zinger reject threshold

Process Variables are used for the (batch) processing of reflections.
Related commands: batch, legenda changed, save process, show process
Eval15 commands