xtal.evc file description

Every time the program is started, the file xtal.evc is read. (if this file does not exist, the program starts with the command x. This will ask for all the necessary parameters and will create the file xtal.evc).

Every time a boxfile is opened, the file 'boxname'.evc is read (if it exists). This file may also contain all xtal.evc commands.

The following entries may be put into xtal.evc
animo anisotropic mosaicity
anivec anisotropic vector
autoexpand autoexpand on
autoexpand2 autoexpand2 on
autoexpand3 autoexpand3 on
autoexpand4 autoexpand4 on
badbg set maximum background quality
block crystal shape
chi set maximum chi value
collimator collimator diameter
compress compress/expand frames
dxfactor set distance factor
expand contour expansion
fibre activate fibre mode
focus focus parameters
isigbadbg minimum I/sigma for bad background
isigshift minimum I/sigma for shift
isomo disable anisotropic mosaicity
mica mica range
micavec mica vector
mosaic mosaicity
noautoexpand autoexpand off
nofibre deactivate fibre mode
nomica disable mica expansion
orient crystal orientation
pqobserved pq observed value
removesigma sets background plane remove factor
shift set shift parameters
shiftinit set initial shifts
shiftshare allow shifts on overlapping reflections
sphere crystal shape
splitfactor set splitfactor
splitpqratio set splitpqratio
sumfactor set sumfactor
timeunits set timescale
With the command x you may change all the parameters. If you are satisfied with the remaining values, you may answer all. Use save to save the parameters in xtal.evc.
Eval14 commands