Eval14 Commands

Crystal Description
Experiment Description
Program Control
Dirax related commands
Fibre specific commands
Graphics related commands
Output Control
Alphabetical list of commands

command xtal.evc default description
Crystal Description
animo yes 0.0 set anisotropic mosaicity
anivec yes 0 0 1 set anisotropic vector
block yes sphere block shaped crystal
isomo yes isomo disable anisotropic mosaicity
mica yes 0.0 set the range of mica
micascale yes -1.0 mica contribution depends on angle between micavec and reflection
micavec yes 0 0 1 set mica vector
mosaic yes 0.3 set mosaicity
nomica yes nomica disable mica expansion
yes 0.0 0.0 0.0 set crystal orientation
rx   0.0 set crystal orientation
ry   0.0 set crystal orientation
rz yes 0.0 set crystal orientation
sphere yes sphere sphere sphaped crystal
xa yes 0.3 set crystal dimension
xb yes 0.3 set crystal dimension
xc yes 0.3 set crystal dimension
Experiment Description
collimator yes 1.0 set collimator diameter
dxfactor yes 1.0 set distance factor
focus yes 220 0.4 0.4 set focus parameters (distance, hor, ver)
focrot yes off rotate focus points 45 degrees
Program Control
autoexpand yes noautoexpand expand margin and depth using removed pixels
autoexpand2 yes noautoexpand2 expand margin using I/sigma
autoexpand3 yes noautoexpand3 expand depth using I/sigma
autoexpand4 yes noautoexpand4 expand mica using I/sigma
badbg yes 1.0 set maximum background quality
badbgallowedmis yes 4 set allowed number of bpb profiles
checkbadpos   on set check on bad positions
chi yes 65.0 set maximum chi value
expand yes 1.0 1.5 set contour expansion
isigbadbg yes 2.5 set minimum I/sigma for bad background
isigshift yes 2.5 set minimum I/sigma for shift
negative   on allow/forbid negative values in the reflectionbox
neighbours   on allow neighbour and alien reflections
pqobserved yes 20.0 set pq (peak quality) observed value
pqstrong   80.0 set pq (peak qualify) strong value
yes 3.0 sets background plane remove factor
shift yes 10 3 3 3 set shift parameters
shiftinit yes 0 0 0 set initial shifts
shiftshare yes 0.2 allow shifts on overlapping reflections
splitfactor yes 0.1 set splitfactor for overlapping reflections
splitpqratio yes 1000.0 set splitpqratio for overlapping reflections
sumfactor yes 0.7 set sumfactor for overlapping reflections
Browse through boxfiles
file     select boxfile
hkl     search reflection
nextcode   XUIC?BEO set code for nexterror
nexterror     search for next error
pq     search next strong reflection
'n'     goto reflection 'n'
Dirax related commands
closedirax     close dirax file
d     save reflection in dirax file
opendirax     create dirax file
Fibre specific commands
addhkl     add reflection
fibre yes nofibre activate fibre mode
nofibre yes nofibre deactivate fibre mode
remhkl     remove reflection
Graphics related commands
  1 set border width
bw   on set black/white or white/black
clear     clear detector window
clearip     clear ip windows
colnam     define colours
colour   grey disable grey colours
fix   free fixed scaling
free   free free scaling
grey   grey use grey colours
headersize   12 set headersize
lin   linear linear scaling
log   linear logarithmic scaling
padx   1 set window padding
pady   1 set window padding
ps     create hardcopy
ps1     create hardcopy
setcolour     define colours
slices   on draw slices
window   0.4 set main window size
windowinfo     print window information
windowlog   4 set graphics log level
alpha     set wavelength
compress   0 compress/expand frames
help     start webbrowser
imagefilename     show image filename
quit     quit program
save     save parameters
status     show parameters
timeunits     set timescale
x     set all parameters
yfile   yfile create .y output file
Output Control
atlas     creates cnt file
dump     print part of reflectionbox data
output   full controls amount of output
ps     create hardcopy
ps1     create hardcopy
showhr     print HorRot data
showhv     print HorVer data
showipx     print pixel attributes
showpx     print reflectionbox data
showrv     print RotVer data

Alphabetical list of commands


Add a reflection to the list of overlapping central reflections. Used only for fibre data. See also remhkl.


Set wavelength
Syntax: alpha alpha1 alpha2 alpharatio
Default: from boxfile
To disable the ratio, enter a negative number.


Syntax: animo f
Default:animo 0.0
Sets anisotropic mosaicity to f. You have to set anivec too. Use a value of 0.0 or the command isomo to disable anisotropic mosaicity.
animo is part of xtal.evc.


Syntax: anivec h k l
Default:anivec 0 0 1
Sets anisotropic vector to h k l. You have to set animo to a nonzero value to activate the anivec.
anivec is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: atlas
This will create a a cntfile eval14.cnt without contour data with the HorVer integrated data (the top middle picture). The separate programs contour, atlas and view can be used to visualize this file.


Syntax: autoexpand on/off
Default: autoexpand off
Try to find the best expand margin and depth by inspecting bad pixels surrounding the reflection contours.
  1. Evaluate the reflection. If the initial Peak Quality < 50 do not expand
  2. If the number of high background pixels (the blue ones in the bottom row) at the edge of the reflection contour > 5 and the net intensity of this border region is greater than 2 % of the net intensity of the peak, the expandmargin is incremented by one.
  3. If the number of high background pixels at the start and end of the reflection contour > 5 and the net intensity of this border region is greater than 2 % of the net intensity of the peak, the expanddepth is incremented by one.
  4. repeat as long as the margin and/or depth are increasing.
Use autoexpand off to disable the automatic expansion.
See also: autoexpand2 and autoexpand3.
autoexpand is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: autoexpand2 on/off
Default: autoexpand2 off
Try to find the best expandmargin by evaluating I/sigma.
  1. Evaluate I/Sigma (if < 10 do not expand)
  2. Increment expandmargin.
  3. Evaluate the new intensity.
  4. If I/sigma has increased (I/signew > 1.001 * I/sigold) goto step 2
  5. If I/sigma has decreased, subtract 1 from the expand margin and re-evaluate the intensity.
Use autoexpand2 off to disable the automatic expansion.
See also: autoexpand and autoexpand3.
autoexpand2 is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: autoexpand3 on/off
Default: autoexpand3 off
Try to find the best expanddepth by evaluating I/sigma.
If the initial Intensity/Sigma > 10 then:
  1. Evaluate I/Sigma (if < 10 do not expand)
  2. Increment expanddepth.
  3. Evaluate the new intensity.
  4. If I/sigma has increased (I/signew > 1.001 * I/sigold) goto step 2
  5. If I/sigma has decreased, subtract 1 from the expand depth and re-evaluate the intensity.
Use autoexpand3 off to disable the automatic expansion.
See also: autoexpand and autoexpand2.
autoexpand3 is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: autoexpand4 on/off
Default: autoexpand4 off
Only used if mica is set and micascale > 0.0
Calculate the vector product of the central reflection and the micavec. The length of the resulting vector is called g. The contribution of mica to the current reflection is micascale * g * r, with r=micarange.
  1. Evaluate I/Sigma
  2. Augment r with 0.05
  3. Evaluate I/Sigma
  4. If I/sigma has increased (I/signew > 1.0001 * I/sigold) goto step 2
  5. If I/sigma has decreased, subtract 0.05 from the r and re-evaluate the intensity.
If autoexpand4 is set, the other auxoexpand options (autoexpand, autoexpand2 and autoexpand3) will be switched off.
autoexpand4 is part of xtal.evc top


Syntax: badbg f
Default: badbg 1.0
A reflection will be flagged BadBackground if the background quality exceeds the value of f. This is only done if I/sigma >isigbadg

At the end of the reflection integration, 3 intensities are calculated: one in horizontal, one in vertical and one in rotational direction. The Background Quality is defined as:
Intensity: Hor=1139.33 Ver=1150.3 Rot=1170.6 PLane=1159.64 BgQual=0.03
If some of these intensities cannot be calculated (f.e. with edge reflections) the intensity on the screen will be printed between brackets. (use badbgallowedmis the set the allowed number of missing intensities).
Intensity: Hor=159.09 Ver=133.56 (Rot=161.06 1) PLane=151.59 BgQual=0.18
If two of these intensities cannot be calculated (f.e. with edge reflections) the intensity on the screen will be printed between brackets and the Background Quality will be set to -1.0 (signalling a undetermined quality).
Intensity: Hor=1552.64 (Ver=451.04 17) (Rot=0.0 457) PLane=1717.87 BgQual=-1.0

badbg is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: badbgallowedmis n
Default: badbgallowedmis 4
Sets the number of allowed missing one-dimensional profiles in the determination of the background quality.
Related command: badbg.
See also the bpb section in the integration page.
badbgallowedmis is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: bd n
Default: bd 1
Set the border width of subwindows. You may also use borderwidth. See also padx and pady,


Syntax: block xa xb xc
Sets the shape and size of the crystal. xa, xb and xc are dimensions in millimeters. You have to specify the orientation of the crystal with orient. A diffracting volume correction will be applied with the diameter of the collimator. To define a sphere shaped crystal use the sphere command.
block is part of xtal.evc


The same command as bd.


Syntax: bw on/off
Default: bw on
Sets black/white or white/black greyscale. If set to on black corresponds to high intensities and white to low intensities. If set to off black corresponds to low intensities and white to high intensities. bw is only active in greycolour mode (after grey). top


Syntax: checkbadpos on/off
Default: checkbadpos off
If set to on, the program checks whether the reflection box and the reflection contour actually are within detector dimensions. Those reflections will be flagged P in the output and are not integrated.


Syntax: chi f
Default:chi 65
Reflections with a chi-value > f are not integrated, and flagged with a X. You may change the value of f, but it is nonsense to raise it above the value specified in the boxfile (there will be no reflections with higher chi's available in the file). f is default set to 65°, but it's value will be overwritten by the value specified in the boxfile and the one in the xtal.evc file. And than you may change it (if you open another boxfile chi will be set to the value in that file).
chi is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: clear
This will clear the detetor window.


Syntax: clearip
This will clear the individual box windows (the bottom row)


Syntax: closedirax
This will close the dirax file. You first have to open the file with opendirax.


Syntax: collimator f
Default: collimator 1.0
This will set the diameter of the collimator. If the crystal is non-spherical (see block), a diffracting volume correction will be applied to the final intensity.
collimator is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: colnam s0 s1 s2 .. s8
Sets the colour names for all 9 colour levels. The defaults are: black darkslateblue dodgerblue steelblue green4 tomato orange yellow white. These colours are only used in colour mode (see colour and grey). Use setcolour to change the other colours.


Syntax: colour
Sets colour mode. To switch back to greymode use grey. With colnam you may set the colours. (See also fix, free, lin and log)


Syntax: compress n
Default: compress 0
If n is set to 0 (the default) no compression or decompression is done. If you set n to a nonzero value, all the frames (in the bottom) row will be compressed (or expanded) to n. The compression is done just after reading the data, so all the interpretations are performed on the compressed data. compress was build because of limitations (f.e. number of windows) in the early versions of eval14.
compress is part of xtal.evc top


Syntax: d
Save current reflection (c-vector and intensity) in diraxfile. You have to call opendirax first. To close the file use the closedirax command.


Syntax: dump
Prints 11x11 pixels of boxdata. You have to enter the central pixel coordinates (horizontal, vertical and frame number). When done, you are asked to do more. As long as you answer yes, you can browse through the reflection box.


Syntax: dxfactor f
Default: dxfactor 1.0
Sets detector distance correction (the value of detdist is multiplied with dxfactor).

For each reflection sin(theta) is calculated for the predicted (theta¹) and final (after shifts) (theta²) positions. For all reflections in the boxfile the values of theta¹ and theta² are summed. After processing of the whole boxfile average shifts are written to the .evc file. The value of theta¹/theta² is written to the evc file ( using the format ! dxfile ....)

If you uncomment this entry in the .evc file, and rerun the whole boxfile again, the value of dxfactor from the previous run will be used.
dxfactor is part of xtal.evc top


Syntax: expand margin depth
Default: expand 1.0 1.5
Sets the (extra) contour expansion. margin is in pixels, depth is in frames.
See also autoexpand, autoexpand2 and autoexpand3.
expand is part of xtal.evc top


Syntax: fibre
Activates fibre mode. Use nofibre to deactivate fibre mode.
fibre is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: file boxfile
Open a new boxfile. If available, the file boxfile.evc will be read. You may specify a number instead of a filename. The number corresponds to the sorted directory listing of *.shoe* files.


Syntax: fix f
Use a fixed scale to display all the windows. Scaling is done from 0 to f. Use free to allow a free scale (from min to max). (See also lin and log)


Syntax: focus dist width length
Default: focus 220.0 0.4 0.4
Set focus parameters. dist is the distance in mm between focus and crystal. width is the width of the focus in mm. length is the length of the focus in mm. If width/length < 1.0 the focus takeoff angle is calculated as asin(width/length) otherwise the takeoff angle is set to 90°. Use a larger focus distance to set a more parallel primary beam.
focus is part of xtal.evc
Note, if focus parameters have been set (either manually or by using xtal.evc), any focus information from the boxfiles will be ignored.


Syntax: focrot state
Default: focrot off
If set to on, the extreme points describing the focus will be rotated 45 degrees. You may want to use this setting if your primary beam passes through a focussing mirror.
focrot is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: free
Use a free scale (from min to max) to display all the windows. Use fix to set a fixed scale. (See also lin and log) top


Syntax: grey
Sets grey colours. To switch to colourmode use colour. Use bw to set black/white or white/black. (See also fix, free, lin and log) top


Syntax: headersize n
Default: headersize 12
Sets the size (in pixels) of the window header (the top line with header and reflection information). Only the size is set, the font is not changed.


Syntax: help
Start webbrowser.


Syntax: hkl h k l
Search the rest of the current boxfile for a reflection with indices h k l. If not found, the boxfile will be reopened. top


Syntax: imagefilename
Shows the name of the imagefile in which the current reflection was predicted.


Syntax: isigbadbg f
Default: isigbadbg 2.5
Only if I/sigma of a reflection > f this reflection can be flagged BadBackground (use badbg to set the bad background threshold).
isigbadbg is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: isigshift f
Default: isigshift 2.5
Only if I/sigma of a reflection > f this reflection is allowed to shift.
isigshift is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: isomo
Disable anisotropic mosaicity. Use animo and anivec to activate anisotropic mosaicity.
isomo is part of xtal.evc top


Syntax: lin
Use a linear scale for all the graphics. For a logarithmic scale use log (other scale related commands are colour, grey, fix and free).


Syntax: log
Use a logarithmic scale for all the graphics. For a linear scale use lin (other scale related commands are colour, grey, fix and free). top


Syntax: mica f
Enables mica and sets the range to f. You also have to specify micavec. To disable mica use nomica or specify f=0.0
mica is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: micascale f
Default: micascale -1.0
Only used if mica is set. You may use autoexpand4 to determine the best micascale.
micascale is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: micavec h k l
Sets the mica vector to h,k,l. You also have to specify mica. To disable mica use nomica.
micavec is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: mosaic f
Default: mosaic 0.3
Sets the isotropic mosaicity to f degrees. See also animo and anivec.
mosaic is part of xtal.evc top


Syntax: any number
Reads reflection number 'n'.


Syntax: negative on/off
Default: negative on
Allows negative values in the reflectionboxes if set to on. If set to off negative reflectionbox values will be set to zero.


Syntax: neighbours on/off
Default: neighbours on
Controls the prediction of neighbour and alien reflections.


Syntax: nextcode string
Default: nextcode XUICBEO
nexterror will skip reflections until the error code is found in string. Possible characters in string are:
X Chi high
U bad respons (Uniformity)
I Incomplete reflection
C no pixel in peak or background
B bad Background
E Edge
O Overflow
P bad Position


Syntax: nexterror
Skip reflections until the errorcode is found in nextcode.


Syntax: nofibre
Runs program in normal (=nonfibre) mode. Use fibre to run in fibre mode.
nofibre is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: nomica
Disable mica expansion. Use mica and micavec to enable mica expansion.
nomica is part of xtal.evc top


Syntax: opendirax
Creates a diraxfile (.drx). Use d to add reflections to the file and use closedirax to close the file.


Syntax: orient rz ry rx
Default: orient 0.0 0.0 0.0
Set the orientation of the crystal. Only used if block is set. The orientation is defined as 3 angles (in degrees) in the laboratory system to bring the crystal edges (Xa, Xb and Xc) along X, Y and Z at goniostat position = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).
orient is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: output full/summary/none
Default: output full
Sets the amount of screen output. output full is used in interactive mode, output summary gives one line of output for each reflection (the default in batch mode). top


Syntax: padx n
Default: padx 1
Sets the number of horizontal padding pixels around each window. See also pady and bd.


Syntax: pady n
Default: pady 1
Sets the number of vertical padding pixels around each window. See also padx and bd.


Syntax: pq[f]
Default: pq20
Search reflection with peak quality > f. If you only specify pq, the last vale of f will be used.


Syntax: pqobserved f
Default: pqobserved 20
If reflection is considered observed if Peak Quality >  f. See also pqstrong. The colour (see setcolour) of the contour in the detectorwindow depends on the peak quality of the reflection.
pq colour
< pqobserved weak black
> pqstrong strong white
else normal grey60
The shifts of reflections with PQ > pqobserved are used the determine the average shifts of the whole boxfile.
pqobserved is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: pqstrong f
Default: pqstrong 80
If reflection is considered strong if Peak Quality >  f. See also pqobserved. The colour (see setcolour) of the contour in the detectorwindow depends on the peak quality of the reflection.
pq colour
< pqobserved weak black
> pqstrong strong white
else normal grey60


Syntax: ps rotate filename
Default: ps yes eval14.ps
Creates a postscript file of the whole graphics window. If rotate is set to yes, the picture will be rotated to fit to A4 format. You may specify a different filetype (f.e. eval14.jpg). The plotfile will be created with the import command of the ImageMagick program suite.


Syntax: ps1 rotate window filename
Creates a postscript file of one of the subwindows.
If rotate is set to yes, the picture will be rotated to fit to A4 format. window is one of:
det detector
hr top row Hor-Rot
hv top row Hor-Ver
rv top row Rot-Ver
hr2 second row Hor-Rot
hv2 second row Hor-Ver
rv2 second row Rot-Ver
bg background statistics
ip1 slice 1
ip2 slice 2
ip'n' slice 'n'
main whole window
You may specify a different filetype (f.e. eval14.jpg). The plotfile will be created with the import command of the ImageMagick program suite. top


Immediate quit program. Modified parameters will not be saved in xtal.evc (use save to do this). top


Syntax: remhkl h k l
Removes a reflection from the list of overlapping central reflections. Used only for fibre data. See also addhkl.


Alias for removesigma


Syntax: removesigma f
Default: removesigma 3.0
Remove pixels from background plane. See glossary for the use of this parameter.
removesigma is part of xtal.evc


Alias for orient


Syntax: rx f
Sets orient angle for rx.


Syntax: ry f
Sets orient angle for ry.


Syntax: rz f
Sets orient angle for rz. top


Syntax: save
Saves all parameters in xtal.evc. If mean shifts have been calculated, the user is asked to save these too.


Syntax: setcolour objectname colourname
objectnames and default colours are listed in this table:
main darkgoldenrod background main window
title white text top row
bg grey40 background subwindows
Box Frames
incl red within main reflection
neighbour orange neighbour
neighbourcontact yellow contacting neighbour
neighbourshared green overlapping neighbour
alien magenta alien
aliencontact purple1 contacting alien
alienshared palegreen overlapping alien
excl slateblue excluded from back ground
badresp green bad respons
Projection windows
first brown initial position
intermediate cyan (in debug mode)
last red final position
noshifts green shifts cancelled
neighbourinit goldenrod initial position neighbour
neighbour orange final position neighbour
alieninit violet initial position alien
alien magenta final position alien
Detector Window
detbg grey80 background detector
centre grey50 centre cross
midline white projection rotation axis
chi yellow chi arc
beamstop1 white beamstop centre
beamstop2 green beamstop edge
Reflections on detector window
weak black weak intensity
normal grey60 normal intensity
strong white strong intensity
overflow red overflow
edge blue on edge of reflectionbox
bad green something wrong
neighbour orange neighbour
alien magenta alien
bgbg detbg background BG window
bglow excl excluded pixels
bghigh yellow pixels in least squares plane
bgextreme red outside histogram


Syntax: shift n hor ver rot
Syntax: shift 0
Default: shift 10 3.0 3.0 3.0
Set maximum shift parameters. If one of the parameters is exceeded, the shifts cancel. n is the maximum number of shifts. hor is the maximum allowed horizontal shift in mm, ver is the maximum allowed vertical shift in mm and rot is the maximum allowed rotational shift in degrees. See also shiftinit.
shift is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: shiftinit hor ver rot
Default: shiftinit 0 0 0
Sets the initial shifts. The order is: See also shift.
shiftinit is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: shiftshare f
Default: shiftshare 0.2
If the sharefraction of two overlapping reflections exceeds f the main reflection is not allowed to shift. (with one exception: if the sharefraction > 0.98 shifts are also allowed).
shiftshare is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: showhr
Prints the data from the Hor-Rot window. These are the data plotted in the second row of the main window (after removal of neighbours and bad background pixels etcetera. See showhv and showrv.


Syntax: showhv
Prints the data from the Hor-Ver window. These are the data plotted in the second row of the main window (after removal of neighbours and bad background pixels etcetera. See showhr and showrv.


Syntax: showipx
Prints the attributes of all pixels and all frames.
0 normal background
1 within main reflection
2 bad background
3 neighbour
4 neighbour contacting main
5 overlap main and neighbour
6 alien
7 alien contacting main
8 overlap main and alien
9 bad respons
The actual contents of the reflectionbox can be printed with showpx.


Syntax: showpx
Prints the actual contents of the reflectionbox. Use showipx to print the attributes of the pixels. For the projections you can use showhr, showhv and showrv


Syntax: showrv
Prints the data from the Rot-Ver window. These are the data plotted in the second row of the main window (after removal of neighbours and bad background pixels etcetera. See showhr and showhv.


Syntax: slices on/off
Default: slices on
When set, all the frames in the reflectionbox will be plotted (the bottom row of the main window)


Syntax: sphere f
Default: sphere 0.3
Sets the shape and size of the crystal. f is the diameter in millimeters of the crystal. There will be no diffracting volume correction applied, even if the diameter of the collimator is smaller (the correction would be the same for all reflections). To define a block shaped crystal use the block command.
sphere is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: splitfactor f
Default: splitfactor 0.1
See the overlap page.
splitfactor is part of xtal.evc


Syntax: splitpqratio f
Default: splitpqratio 1000
See the overlap page.
splitpqratio is part of xtal.evc


Prints the values of some variables.


Syntax: sumfactor f
Default: sumfactor 0.7
See the overlap page.
sumfactor is part of xtal.evc top


Syntax: timeunits tu
Intensitities and sigma's will be corrected for integration time and scan width. The default procedure is:
  f = ExposureTime/ScanWidth
  sf = tu/f
f tu result
> 360 3600 hours/degree
> 10 60 minutes/degree
else 1 seconds/degree
With the timeunits command, (either interactive or via xtal.evc) a fixed value of tu will be used.

Note: the intensities in the .y file are only divided by f. The value of tu is not used. The intensities in the .y files are therefore comparable for different experimentd with different exposure times.
timeunits is part of xtal.evc top


Syntax: window f
Default: window 0.4
Set the (vertical) size of the main window to the fraction f of the vertical screen size.


Syntax: windowinfo
Prints all available information on the graphics windows.


Syntax: windowlog n
Default: windowlog 4
Sets the window log level.
0 Emergency
1 Alert
2 Critical
3 Error
4 Warning
5 Notice
6 Information
7 Debug


Syntax: x
Set all crystal parameters. This command is automatically started if no xtal.evc file is found. If you are satisfied with the default answers for the remaining questions, you may answer A to the prompt.


Syntax: xa f
Sets the crystal Xa dimension to f millimeter. Use block to change all dimensions or xb and xc.


Syntax: xb f
Sets the crystal Xb dimension to f millimeter. Use block to change all dimensions or xa and xc.


Syntax: xc f
Sets the crystal Xc dimension to f millimeter. Use block to change all dimensions or xb and xc.


Syntax: xx xa xb xc
If the crystal shape = block sets the crystal dimensions to xa xb xc millimeter. If the crystal shape = sphere sets the sphere diameter to xa. top


Syntax: yfile
Creates an .y output file. top
EVPY Suite Overview